Ключи к упражнениям учебника - Приложение

Английский язык - Книга для учителя 10 класс - Углублённый уровень - О. В. Афанасьева - 2017 год

Ключи к упражнениям учебника - Приложение

Unit One

Exercise 2.

1. “Madonna Benois” by Leonardo da Vinci; 2. “Rye” by Ivan Shishkin; 3. “Artist’s Studio” by Henri Matisse; 4. “Portrait of A. Pushkin” by Orest Kiprensky; 5. “Flora” by Rembrandt van Rijn; 6. “The Rooks Have Come” by Alexei Savrasov; 7. “Lilacs” by Mikhail Vrubel; 8. “Night Cafe in Arles” by Paul Gauguin; 9. “Remember!” by Nikolay Rerikh; 10. “Ivan the Terrible” by Mark Antokolsky

Exercise 3.

a) Leonardo da Vinci (text 2); b) Rembrandt van Rijn (text 5); c) Michelangelo Buonarroti (text 3); d) Claude Monet (text 4); e) Vincent van Gogh (text 1)

Exercise 4.

1. The Mona Lisa; 2. The Water Lily Pond; 3. Sunflowers; 4. God Bringing Adam, the first man, to life; 5. The Artist in His Studio

Exercise 5.

true: 3, 5, 6, 7; false: 2, 8; not mentioned: 1, 4

Exercise 7.

1. b; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a

Exercise 9.

1. e; 2. c; 3. g; 4. a; 5. h; 6. b; 7. d; 8. i; 9. f

Exercise 10.

A. 1. cold colours/warm colours; 2. Still life; 3. fresco; 4. tempera; 5. palette; 6. tube of oil; 7. seascape; 8. tints and shades; 9. sculpture; 10. carving; 11. easel; 12. brushes; 13. modelling; 14. watercolour

B. 1. print; 2. crayons; 3. transparent paints; 4. glossy paints; 5. plaster; 6. carved blocks, stencils; 7. blocks are coated with ink; 8. to glue; 9. canvas; 10. layman; 11. to build up colours gradually, in layers; 12. delicate shading and fine details; 13. incredibly lifelike pictures; 14. ready-made paints in tube; 15. genre painting; 16. 2-D/3-D (two-dimensional/three-dimensional) painting; 17. clay, wax or plaster

Exercise 12.

1. c; 2. b; 3. g; 4. a; 5. e; 6. d; 7. f

Exercise 14.

1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. b; 5. b; 6. c

Exercise 15.

1. to pore over; 2. to absorb; 3. upright; 4. to dominate; 5. furnished; 6. a peasant; 7. an accomplice; 8. particular; 9. acid; 10. significant; 11. isolated; 12. a pool; 13. corrupt

Exercise 19.

1. by; 2. of; 3. for, with; 4. by; 5. out of; 6. with; 7. in; 8. of; 9. to, about; 10. of; 11. in; 12. in; 13. by (of); 14. on

Exercise 20.

1. was affected; 2. discord; 3. arrangements; 4. sheer; 5. poverty; 6. gasp; 7. masterpiece; 8. greed; 9. victims; 10. shade; 11. arranged

Exercise 23.

1. victims, sacrifices, sacrifices; 2. affection, affectation, affection; 3. shade, shadows, shadow; 4. piece, lump, lumps; 5. affects, effect, affected; 6. accord, discord, discords

Exercise 24.

a drop of water/oil/wine — капля воды/масла/вина;

a dash/squirt/squeeze of lemon juice/oil — несколько капель лимонного сока/масла;

a puff/wisp of smoke — облачко дыма;

a piece of bread — кусок хлеба;

a chunk of stone — глыба, колода;

a chunk/hunk of bread/meat — ломоть хлеба, оковалок мяса;

a lump of coal/earth/clay — кусок угля, ком(ок) земли/глины;

a clod of earth — ком земли;

a block of stone/wood — глыба, колода;

a slab of stone/cake — большой плоский кусок камня/торта;

a slice of bread — ломоть хлеба;

a rasher of bacon — ломтик бекона;

a bar of chocolate/soap — плитка шоколада, кусок мыла;

a bit of bread — маленький кусочек хлеба;

a square of chocolate — кусочек шоколадной плитки;

a segment of orange — долька апельсина;

a crumb of bread — крошка хлеба;

a grain/pinch of salt — кристалл/щепотка соли;

a grain of sand — песчинка;

a speck of dust — пылинка;

a flake of snow — снежинка;

a scrap/shred of paper/cloth — полоска/лоскут бумаги/одежды;

a sprinter/silver of glass — осколок;

a chip/flake/splinter/silver of stone/wood — осколок/щепка

Exercise 25.

A. breathtaking, whitewashed, housewarming, dishwashing, ill-chosen, newborn, slow-moving, terror-stricken, well-educated, highly qualified, two-edged, old-fashioned, good-looking, highflying

B. breathtaking, old-fashioned, high-flying, highly qualified, whitewashed, dishwashing, good-looking, housewarming, well-educated, newborn, slow- moving, ill-chosen, terror-stricken, two-edged

Exercise 26.

1. painters; 2. moody; 3. artists; 4. paintings; 5. suggestive; 6. misty; 7. shadowy; 8. exhibition; 9. dramatic; 10. graceful; 11. glowing; 12. feeling

Exercise 27.

1. away/down; 2. for; 3. down; 4. out; 5. out; 6. for; 7. down; 8. out; 9. away; 10. down; 11. out; 12. down; 13. for; 14. down; 15. away

Exercise 28.

1. The custom of writing letters is dying out nowadays.

2. When the professor came into the lecture room, the noise immediately died down.

3. Is there any water in the fridge? I’m dying for a drink.

4. Many species of butterflies are rapidly dying out these days.

5. The sound of the horsebell became less distinct and soon died away.

6. “Hello, mum,” said Emily entering the kitchen. “I’m dying for a cup of coffee.”

7. The wind died down during the night.

8. The sound of the car engine died away in the distance.

9. The excitement of the coming trip soon died out and the children went on writing exercises.

Exercise 29.

1. I, your, me, it, you; 2. them, your; 3. me; 4. me, I, her, you, she; 5. them, their; 6. I, I, you; 7. our, us; 8. it, It; 9. me, me, us; 10. him

Exercise 30.

1. themselves; 2. myself, yourself, yourself; 3. himself; 4. herself; 5. yourselves; 6. ourselves; 7. yourself; 8. myself; 9. itself; 10. myself

Exercise 31.

1. her; 2. hers; 3. hers; 4. hers; 5. her/their; 6. them; 7. her; 8. her; 9. her; 10. theirs; 11. theirs; 12. them; 13. his; 14. his; 15. theirs; 16. his; 17. his; 18. theirs; 19. their

Exercise 32.

1. one; 2. ones; 3. one; 4. any; 5. one; 6. any

Exercise 34.

A. plays, cherries, churches, tomatoes, wives, boxes, photos, roofs, parties, valleys, skis, leaves, mosquito(e)s, still lifes, buses, peoples, toys, stewardesses, thieves

B. sisters-in-law, storytellers, merry-go-rounds, lilies-of-the-valley, passers-by, fellow students, fathers-in-law, forget-me-nots, shipmates, grownups, exercise books, stepdaughters, letterboxes, stage directors

C. sportsmen, schoolchildren, mice, deer, women, geese, postmen, oxen, sheep, Englishmen, teeth, fish/fishes, children, species, series

D. memorandums/a, funguses/i, millennia, crises, curriculums/a, geniuses, antennae/antennas, diagnoses, cactuses/cacti, formulas/formulae, phenomena, theses

Exercise 35.

1. this, is; 2. glasses, are, ones; 3. are; 4. works; 5. was; 6. is; 7. —; 8. has; 9. paper; 10. is, watch, it; 11. are; 12. papers; 13. are, potatoes, them; 14. is; 15. carrots, contain

Exercise 36.

1. —; 2. —; 3. —; 4. a, a; 5. a; 6. —; 7. a; 8. a; 9. —; 10. a; 11. —; 12. —

Exercise 37.

A. 1. look; 2. is; 3. are; 4. was/is; 5. do; 6. are; 7. look; 8. seems

Exercise 38.

1. are; 2. is; 3. have; 4. is/are; 5. they; 6. is/are; 7. is/ are; 8. has/have; 9. have; 10. them; 11. are; 12. It is; 13. is/are; 14. a) custom; b) customs; 15. a) contents; b) contents; c) content; 16. this

Exercise 39.

1. Many animal species have disappeared.

2. Our government tries (is trying) to control crime.

3. Your mathematics is getting better and better.

4. There are thousands of bird species in the world.

5. The public is (are) concerned about it.

6. Many people have already signed the petition.

7. Acoustics is the subject that I know very little about.

8. Nowadays people have many more belongings than before, but the police in many countries have become much busier.

9. Physics is the subject that is preferred by boys rather than girls.

10. Fashionable clothes have become very expensive now.

11. The committee begins (is beginning) its work in September.

12. I don’t know where the contents are in the book: on the front or on the back page.

13. There was ash in the fireplace.

14. Our company’s headquarters are in Moscow.

15. The military are here (have arrived).

Exercise 55.

1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. c; 6. d; 7. a

Unit Two

Exercise 2.

1. the Bible — the cross — a church; 2. Tripitaka — the wheel of life — a pagoda; 3. the Koran — the crescent and star — a mosque; 4. the Torah — the star of David — a synagogue

Exercise 3.

1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c

Exercise 6.

true: 1, 3, 7; false: 4, 5, 6; not mentioned: 2, 8

Exercise 8.

1. Poseidon; 2. Artemis; 3. Zeus; 4. Athena; 5. Apollo; 6. Hera

Exercise 9. (Sample version)

Zeus: powerful, clever, strong, wise, just, brave, handsome, shrewd, tall, notorious; Hera: powerful, jealous, clever, faithful, steady, temperamental, shrewd, protective, caring; Poseidon: powerful, clever, strong, wise, just, brave, tall; Athena: powerful, clever, strong, wise, warlike, just, brave, shrewd, tall; Apollo: handsome, artistic, musical, creative, skilful, powerful, clever, strong, brave; Artemis: clever, strong, brave, tall.

Exercise 10.

A. 1. Zeus — Jupiter. 2. Hera — Juno. 3. Poseidon — Neptune. 4. Athena — Minerva. 5. Apollo — Apollo. 6. Artemis — Diana. 7. Hermes — Mercury. 8. Aphrodite — Venus. 9. Ares — Mars. 10. Hephaestus — Vulcan

B. the god of war — 9; the god of the sea — 3; the god of commerce and prophecy — 7; the goddess of wisdom and war — 4; the king and father of the gods — 1; the goddess of love and beauty — 8; the god of fire and art — 10; the goddess of the family and married women — 2; the god of light, music and prophecy — 5; the goddess of the moon and the hunt — 6

Exercise 11.

1. g; 2. b; 3. j; 4. i; 5. d; 6. h; 7. e; 8. a; 9. f; 10. c

Exercise 12.

1. accurate; 2. tree trunk; 3. giant; 4. counterpart; 5. fertility; 6. exhausted; 7. to be sacrificed; 8. to inspire the poets; 9. to hold court; 10. to settle (legal) disputes; 11. fair; 12. adoption; 13. a vow of friendship; 14. disturbing dreams; 15. to disguise oneself; 16. to release; 17. a messenger; 18. to weep

Exercise 14.

1. d; 2. b, c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. d; 6. c; 7. b; 8. b; 9. c; 10. a

Exercise 18.

1. Palm Sunday; 2. the Passover; 3. Israel’s escape from Egypt; 4. Moses; 5. Hosanna; 6. blessed; 7. Good Friday; 8. the Passover (Last) Supper; 9. to break bread; 10. the High Priest; 11. Messiah; 12. blasphemy; 13. to crucify; 14. Calvary, Golgotha; 15. remember me; 16. Paradise

Exercise 19.

A. См. текст “The Resurrection” раздела Справочный материал книги для учителя, с. 155—156.

B. Some of the traditions observed today are:

• celebrating Easter and Passover;

• keeping the Lent;

• giving each other eggs as a symbol of new life;

• on Palm Sunday we decorate our houses and give each other branches of pussy willow (instead of palm leaves).

C. to break bread with (means to eat a meal with sb); to wash one’s hands of sth (not to consider yourself responsible for sth).

D. “You cannot serve God and mammon.” In the Bible, mammon was a word meaning wealth, but many people thought it was god of money.

“The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” However willing we may be to do a thing, our physical condition may prevent us from doing it.

“Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.” One evil leads to a worse.

“Spare the rod and spoil the child.” It doesn’t improve a child’s character if he is not punished when he has done wrong.

Exercise 21.

1. ... claimed ...; 2. ... demands ...; 3. ... but he was denied the permission; 4. ... innocent ...; 5. They confirmed their hotel booking ...; 6. She deserves ...; 7. ... was sentenced to death ...; 8. ... full of menace ...; 9. ... are seeking for ...; 10. ... put your new Ford on trial; 11. He betrayed ...; 12. ... at the great King in awe; 13. ... should be sentenced to ...

Exercise 22.

1. deny; 2. trial; 3. claimed; 4. menace; 5. deserved; 6. claimed; 7. betrayed; 8. innocent; 9. demanded; 10. awe; 11. seeking; 12. seeking; 13. confirmed; 14. sentenced

Exercise 23.

1. Thousands of people on the planet are seeking shelter (refuge) from wars and military conflicts.

2. This man is a sheer trial. He (has) spoiled his relations with all the colleagues in his office.

3. An accountant’s job demands great concentration.

4. There is a number of people who waste their lives going from one party to another seeking entertainment and fun.

5. No one will deny that the universe has a lot of mysteries (keeps/ conceals secrets).

6. Please confirm your participation in the conference by email.

7. That volcano was a permanent menace for the citizens of the town.

8. What were those people sentenced to by the court?

9. I believe that ecological problems deserve a lot more attention.

10. I can prove that my friend is innocent of this crime.

11. The latest (last) painting by this artist is executed with great skill.

12. In December the rebel leaders were executed, which caused protest in the society.

13. This is my best friend and I know he will never betray me.

14. We looked at the great master in awe.

15. Does anybody claim this book?

Exercise 25.

d) feast — религиозный праздник, holiday — светский праздник;

e) feast — обильное праздничное застолье (пир), meal — обычная трапеза;

f) pupil — ученик, disciple — ученик-последователь (в христианской религии — первые 12 последователей Христа, апостолы)

Exercise 26.

1. disciples; 2. seek; 3. meals; 4. holiday; 5. despite/in spite of; 6. demand; 7. pupils; 8. disciple; 9. feast; 10. in spite of/despite; 11. feasts; 12. seeking; 13. looking; 14. required; 15. demanded

Exercise 27.

A. a) political campaigner or (at elections) canvasser; b) neat, tidy; c) eccentric

Exercise 28.

1. overflown; 2. underwear; 3. unfair; 4. antinuclear; 5. disapproves; 6. outdone; 7. misbehave; 8. outgrown; 9. pre-preparatory; 10. unfasten

Exercise 29.

1. disappear; 2. wilderness; 3. unusual; 4. destroyed; 5. unearthly; 6. suffering(s); 7. marvellous; 8. servant; 9. mistake; 10. certainly; 11. lonely

Exercise 30.

1. out; 2. on; 3. through; 4. on; 5. out; 6. out; 7. through; 8. on; 9. through; 10. on; 11. out; 12. through; 13. out; 14. on; 15. through

Exercise 31.

1. Never give promises that you are not going to carry out.

2. We carried on with our work in the lab.

3. We do not have enough money to carry this job through.

4. Carry on (Carry on with what you are doing) and I’ll listen to the boy.

5. We’ll carry on with our dispute tomorrow, won’t we?

6. Beware of Mr Rogers, he can carry his threat out.

7. His belief (religion) will carry him through everything.

8. John said that we would have to carry through our plan.

9. Carry on singing. You are not disturbing anyone.

10. In my opinion he (has) carried out the agreement successfully.

Exercise 32.

1. more expensive (adj);

2. careful (adj), elder (adj), more dangerously (adv);

3. the nicest (adj);

4. louder (adv);

5. the longest (adj);

6. prettier (adj);

7. hard (adj), easy (adj);

8. more boring (adj);

9. good (adj), more fluently (adv), more idiomatic (adj);

10. the happiest (adj), earlier (adv), the most joyful (adj);

11. angrier (adj);

12. better (adj), worse (adj).

Exercise 33.

2. ... further discussion ...; 3. ... the oldest book ...; 5. ... house is smaller ...; 7. ... answer the latter ...; 8. ... to be the next ...; 9. ... in the near future; 11. ... than usual; 12. ... very tall

Exercise 34.

1. happily; 2. hardly, loudly; 3. bad; 4. sad; 5. excited; 6. well; 7. loud; 8. well; 9. sweet; 10. smooth, cold

Exercise 35.

A. 1. We don’t often play ...; 2. I always keep ...; 3. ... my feelings clearly; 4. I definitely remember ...; 5. ... you can probably buy them ...; 6. I never feel ...; 7. ... if you still think ...; 8. ... can already read ..., he reads slowly ...; 9. ... we are both very fond ...

B. 1. hardly; 2. most; 3. widely; 4. wide; 5. hard; 6. nearly; 7. wrong; 8. wrongly; 9. lately; 10. mostly; 11. late; 12. near; 13. rightly; 14. high; 15. right; 16. highly

Exercise 36.

1. e; 2. g; 3. h; 4. c; 5. b; 6. a; 7. d; 8. f

Exercise 37.

1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. b; 5. b; 6. a; 7. a; 8. a; 9. b; 10. a; 11. b; 12. a; 13. b; 14. b

Exercise 38.

A. 1. wide; 2. all; 3. all; 4. fast/sound; 5. safely; 6. wide

B. 1. very; 2. very much; 3. very (much); 4. very much; 5. very (much); 6. very (much); 7. very (much)

Exercise 39.

1. Children should have proper meals.

2. I wouldn’t like to be involved in this endless discussion.

3. The concerned mother spent the whole night at her sick child’s bedside.

4. All the voters present agreed with the orator’s words.

5. Those responsible for this crime should be punished.

6. All people involved expressed their attitude towards the problem.

7. It all sounds involved and confusing.

8. Present schoolchildren are well-acquainted with computer technologies.

9. We have discussed a lot of things but the main problem proper we didn’t manage to solve.

10. You have become grown-up and responsible people.

Exercise 40.

1. a summer cotton dress; 2. a dark red tulip; 3. a big heavy box; 4. an old woollen sweater; 5. a tall green plant; 6. a light square table; 7. a deep blue river; 8. an old soft hat; 9. a beautiful young lady; 10. a capable middle-aged doctor; 11. a low oval table; 12. beautiful long hair

Exercise 41.

1. Honestly, we have never managed to talk to James on this subject.

2. Frankly, I don’t like that new plan at all.

3. Briefly, the recent events require special attention.

4. Hopefully, our new project will turn out successful.

5. Generally, few people like wasting their time.

6. Evidently, this isn’t the last chance to change your life for the better.

7. Clearly, this story is made up from beginning to end.

Exercise 42.

1. b; 2. d; 3. a; 4. f; 5. c; 6. E

Exercise 45.

Traditional English church

Orthodox church



• usually built in gothic style with tall towers and tall windows

• belfry is part of the building

• Eastern Orthodox style often with cupolas or a big dome

• belfry stands separately

has a big dome, tall minarets, very small windows


• stained glass windows

• almost bare walls

• choir stalls on the ground floor

• pulpit

• long aisle(s)

• benches (seats)

• a lot of icons

• big iconostasis

• walls often covered with frescoes

• choir stalls upstairs

• no pulpit

• no benches

• no images of people or animals (forbidden!)

• sparsely decorated with the design of plants and quotations in Arabic

• no seats or benches

• no pulpit

• no choir stalls

Exercise 46.

1. c; 2. b; 3. d; 4. A

Exercise 53.

1. b; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. b; 7. c

Unit Three

Exercise 3.

true: 1, 4; false: 2, 5, 6; not mentioned: 3

Exercise 5.

1. Virginia d; 2. Martin a; 3. Sarah b; 4. Victor e; 5. Henry c

Exercise 7.

1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. a; 7. b; 8. c Exercise 9. B^ 1. c; 2. e; 3. d; 4. b; 5. a; 6. extra

Exercise 10.

1. a) mission, b) membership; 2. a) dedicated to, b) to establish, c) to focus attention; 3. a) invasive alien species, b) to reduce threats, c) to increase awareness, d) to be transported by humans, e) suffer great losses, f) headquarters; 4. a) to promote kindness to sb, b) to prevent cruelty, c) a branch; 5. a) to test (nuclear) weapons, b) to campaign; 6. a) conservation organizations, b) in harmony

Exercise 13.

1. g; 2. b; 3. f; 4. d; 5. i; 6. a; 7. e; 8. h; 9. c

Exercise 16.

1. nails; 2. brook; 3. hind leg; 4. dandelion; 5. thistle; 6. hammer; 7. hedge; 8. culvert; 9. slope; 10. nettles; 11. cowslip; 12. bumblebee; 13. pile

Exercise 17.

1. patch; 2. dotted; 3. nibble; 4. yearling; 5. buoyant; 6. to hum; 7. warren; 8. delicacy; 9. wade; 10. culvert; 11. creosote; 12. to hop; 13. to crouch; 14. to cover down; 15. to creak

Exercise 20.

1. rubbed; 2. disturb; 3. hesitating; 4. board; 5. spun; 6. treat; 7. faded; 8. shrewd; 9. distressed

Exercise 21.

1. against; 2. to; 3. off; 4. —; 5. over; 6. for; 7. about; 8. —; 9. —; 10. into; 11. on; 12. with

Exercise 23.

1. ... hesitated ...; 2. ... to give me a treat; 3. ... shrewd ...; 4. ... distress ...; 5. ... disturbing ...; 6. ... boarded ...; 7. ... distressed ...; 8. ... faded ...; 9. ... to get on board; 10. ... hesitated ...; 11. ... were spinning ...; 12. ... treatment; 13. ... was shivering

Exercise 24.

A. 1. f; 2. d; 3. b; 4. g; 5. h; 6. a; 7. c; 8. i; 9. e

B. 1. e; 2. d; 3. a; 4. h; 5. c; 6. g; 7. b; 8. f

C. 1. На борту самолёта находятся 125 пассажиров и экипаж.

2. Здесь вы будете получать по 70 фунтов в неделю плюс питание и жильё.

3. Не волнуйтесь, всё это делается открыто и легально.

4. Джек хвастается, что выиграл большой куш в казино накануне ночью.

5. Мы договорились, что я буду платить по 200 фунтов за еду и проживание.

6. Полный пансион — это такое обслуживание, в которое включается всё питание, а полупансион включает питание только два раза в день.

7. Добро пожаловать на борт! Мы счастливы, что вы теперь с нами.

Exercise 25.

1. to do everything from the very beginning; 2. very good, perfect; 3. to think hard before making a decision; 4. to work very hard trying to earn a living; 5. just to begin doing something; 6. to look for something; 7. to change one’s plans; 8. to collect, to put together; 9. You help me and I’ll help you in return.

Exercise 26.

B. I. 1. smells; 2. reek; 3. aroma; 4. reek; 5. scent; 6. smells; 7. reek; 8. smell; II. 1. odd; 2. strange; 3. queer; 4. strange; 5. odd

Exercise 27.

1. a forty-kilometre tunnel; 2. a sixty-hectare farm; 3. a three-day journey; 4. a five-kilo bag; 5. a thirty-three-year-old man; 6. a ninety-pound suit; 7. a one-hundred-rouble note; 8. a three-day conference; 9. a ten-mile(-long) fence; 10. a fifteen-minute walk

Exercise 28.

A. 1. dogged; 2. snaked; 3. ape; 4. ducked; 5. wolfed; 6. monkeying; 7. ducked; 8. rabbiting; 9. ferreted; 10. ratted

Exercise 29.

1. winner; 2. global; 3. environmentalist; 4. African; 5. participants; 6. scientists; 7. accumulation; 8. united; 9. governments

Exercise 30.

1. down; 2. out; 3. along; 4. in; 5. along; 6. down; 7. out; 8. in

Exercise 31.

1. I’m beginning to forget that unpleasant conversation (talk) and will be grateful to you if you don’t rub it in.

2. Rub the child down with a dry towel, otherwise he will feel cold and can easily catch a cold.

3. I tried to rub the offensive word out but it turned out to be a hard thing to do.

4. All the guys in my class rub along quite well with each other.

5. Soon the events of the last month rubbed out of my memory.

6. The only person I didn’t rub along with was my cousin.

7. Don’t start again, don’t rub it in.

8. After the race it’s good to rub yourself down with a towel and put on a dry T-shirt.

Exercise 32.

A. 1. produces, mixes, causes; 2. doesn’t slow; 3. is, are all using, can, help; 4. have you switched; 5. have had; 6. have you been using; 7. have not signed, are refusing; 8. do you have; 9. is snowing, it has been snowing; 10. drive

B. 1. had been warning, could; 2. came; 3. started, claimed, were controlling; 4. had cut; 5. were/was working; 6. had promised; 7. had carried; 8. were discussing; 9. showed, had become/was becoming; 10. became, had been/was

C. 1. will take; 2. will have raked, will have burnt; 3. will you be leaving; 4. will be having; 5. will have retired; 6. would come; 7. will have been working; 8. will participate; 9. would be; 10. will have completed; 11. will have been living

Exercise 33.

A. 1. have been sold; 2. is modelled/has been modelled, it is believed; 3. is being destroyed; 4. it is made/it has been made; 5. is affected; 6. are being developed; 7. are emitted; 8. is reflected; 9. are proved/have been proved; 10. are being held

B. 1. was predicted; 2. were hit; 3. it was mentioned, had not been ratified; 4. were being discussed; 5. was considered; 6. were reported; 7. was being held; 8. had been signed; 9. it was revealed, had been caused

C. 1. will be solved; 2. would be included; 3. will be completed; 4. will be paid; 5. will have been finalized; 6. would be published; 7. would be taken; 8. will have been granted/will be granted; 9. will be mentioned; 10. will have already been prepared

Exercise 34.

1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a; 6. b; 7. b; 8. c; 9. b; 10. c; 11. a; 12. b; 13. a; 14. b; 15. a; 16. c; 17. b; 18. b; 19. a; 20. b; 21. c; 22. a; 23. c; 24. c; 25. b; 26. a; 27. c; 28. a; 29. b; 30. a

Exercise 35.

1. woke; 2. was pouring; 3. jumped; 4. ran; 5. drew; 6. blew; 7. looked; 8. had happened; 9. put; 10. held; 11. have never seen; 12. am going/will go; 13. dressed/was dressed; 14. flew; 15. sprang; 16. had turned; 17. looked/was looking; 18. felt; 19. am running; 20. has become; 21. are showing/have shown; 22. will come; 23. had done; 24. was waking up/has woken up

Exercise 36.

1. for; 2. to; 3. to; 4. to; 5. to; 6. to; 7. for; 8. for; 9. for; 10. for

Exercise 37.

1. Alice made a cup of coffee for her sister.

2. Henry sold two stamps to John.

3. Val decided to show two old photos to the journalist.

4. Save something to eat for the rest of us.

5. Granny left some apple pie in the fridge for you.

6. Jack promised to send a postcard to his grandparents.

7. Could you book a really good table for my guests?

8. We have prepared a real treat for the children.

9. Can you find Alice’s telephone number for me?

10. Irene taught English to my daughter when she was younger.

Exercise 38.

1. increased; 2. crack; 3. boiled; 4. fry; 5. rang; 6. tears; 7. sold; 8. handles; 9. stopped; 10. wash

Exercise 39.

1. water/porridge; 2. potatoes; 3. trousers; 4. glass; 5. train; 6. car; 7. porridge/water; 8. hotel; 9. knife; 10. hand

Exercise 46.

1 — b, c, f; 2 — h; 3 — a, b, e; 4 — d, f; 5 — a, d; 6 — a, e; 7 — d, f, g; 8 — d, f, g

Exercise 49.

1. The sound machine made it possible for the human ear to hear extremely high tones, usually inaudible.

2. The sounds produced by plants (trees).

3. Klausner sounded too excited on the phone. The doctor must have thought he had some mental problems.

4. Klausner wanted to hear a cry of pain produced by the tree when it was damaged. It is difficult to say whether he succeeded or just imagined he had heard the sounds.

5. He saw a big branch breaking. He thought the tree was trying to defend itself.

6. It is difficult to say if the doctor heard anything or not. If Klausner was right, he could hear some strange sounds.

7. —;

8. —

Exercise 53. (Sample version)

1. All the things that can be recycled should be recycled.

2. Both towns and the countryside should be kept clean.

3. Forest destruction should be stopped.

4. All types of transport should use only ecologically friendly fuels.

5. The production of CFCs should be immediately stopped.

6. New clean ways of waste disposal should be thought of.

7. All possible sources of nuclear radiation should be eliminated.

Exercise 57.

1. b; 2. a; 3. c; 4. a; 5. c; 6. c; 7. b

Unit Four

Exercise 3.

true: 2, 5, 6; false: 4; not mentioned: 1, 3

Exercise 5.

1. Anthony Lee f; 2. Jason Devon b; 3. Carol MacDonald a; 4. Tracey Reed e; 5. David Milner c; extra — d

Exercise 7.

1. c; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b; 5. b; 6. a; 7. c; 8. a

Exercise 10.

1. e; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. g; 6. d; 7. h; 8. f

Exercise 11.

1. in pursuit of a dream; 2. to dote on sb; 3. admission; 4. ambition; 5. to announce; 6. a fad; 7. to contribute; 8. a vagabond; 9. a fulcrum; 10. to set sail for; 11. an odyssey; 12. to venture; 13. an exile; 14. to assemble; 15. a summit

Exercise 14.

1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b

Exercise 15.

1. a) in a good mood, b) wisdom; 2. a) a magical escape, b) to put aside their cares and worries, c) really a character, d) the make-believe world, e) stern and mere, f) rationing, g) chattering nonstop; 3. a) I collected my little sister, b) all was revealed, c) first thing; 4. a) right from infancy, b) a china head, c) a satin dress, d) trimmed with cotton wool, e) liable to come off, f) hand-applied, g) two-piece sleep suit

Exercise 17.

1. c; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b; 5. b; 6. b; 7. b; 8. c

Exercise 18.

1. modest; 2. a trifle; 3. apologetic; 4. cursory; 5. infirmary; 6. livelihood; 7. intently; 8. delightful; 9. hesitate

Exercise 24.

1. on; 2. for; 3. to; 4. by; 5. for; 6. —, for; 7. —; 8. of, for; 9. —; 10. by; 11. on

Exercise 25.

1. precisely; 2. risk; 3. I don’t fancy staying in ...; 4. shabby; 5. twinkled; 6. reflected; 7. precise; 8. remaining; 9. remains; 10. embarrassed; 11. fancy; 12. begging other people for money

Exercise 29.

1. fee; 2. fat; 3. remains; 4. pretty; 5. brooding; 6. salary; 7. fat/stout; 8. stay/remain; 9. very/pretty; 10. reflecting

Exercise 30.

A. 1. e; 2. h; 3. b; 4. i; 5. d; 6. c; 7. a; 8. f; 9. g

B. a) PJs — pyjamas, nightie — nightdress; b) wellies — wellingtons, cardie — cardigan; c) veggies — vegetables; d) tatties — potatoes, caulie — cauliflower; e) butty — sandwich; f) footie — football; g) bis- cies — biscuits; h) vac — vacuum cleaner; i) lippy — lipstick

Exercise 31.

1. happiness; 2. present; 3. conversation; 4. aristocratic; 5. upper; 6. fitting; 7. graceful; 8. amorous; 9. dignified; 10. exhibition; 11. political

Exercise 33.

1. out; 2. to; 3. up; 4. together; 5. with; 6. to; 7. to; 8. together; 9. out; 10. to; 11. to; 12. up for; 13. to

Exercise 34.

1. I remember at that difficult moment (time) my friends stuck up for me.

2. Birds of a feather stick together.

3. You gave (have given) me your word, now you (should) stick to it.

4. Stick with me and you won’t get lost, I’m moving (walking) in the same direction.

5. I don’t believe Mark is to blame, he always sticks to the rules.

6. I know how hard it is for you but try and stick out a little bit more.

7. Time changes but politicians stick to their technologies.

8. Stick together and then you will win.

9. I stick to a very important principle — honesty is the best policy.

10. Try and stick up for your point of view.

11. He has had to stick to a diet for some years already.

Exercise 35.

A. 1. to confirm; 2. to set; 3. playing; 4. to go; 5. to change; 6. seeking; 7. to arrive; 8. speak/speaking; 9. joining; 10. dance/ dancing; 11. reading/to read; 12. coming, be; 13. creating; 14. joining; 15. to make, to put; 16. to buy

B. 1. a) to tell, b) winning; 2. a) complaining, b) to have; 3. a) to buy, b) passing; 4. a) to say, b) talking; 5. a) taking, b) feeding

Exercise 36.

1. for; 2. in; 3. from; 4. of; 5. —; 6. from; 7. —; 8. in; 9. of; 10. in; 11. to; 12. forward to; 13. about/of; 14. to; 15. of

Exercise 37.

1. a) bored, b) boring books (articles, novels, etc.); 2. a) distressing, b) distressed; 3. a) touching, b) touched; 4. a) laughing, b) laughed (at); 5. a) exhausted, b) exhausting; 6. a) excited, b) exciting; 7. a) amusing (girl, student, etc.), b) amused; 8. a) interested in sth, b) interesting; 9. a) entertaining, b) entertained/entertaining; 10. a) astonished, b) astonishing

Exercise 38.

1. —; 2. to clear; 3. —; 4. leave; 5. —; 6. speak; 7. —; 8. recite; 9. to visit; 10. —; 11. take; 12. to find; 13. to use; 14. —

Exercise 39.

A. 1. to begin with; 2. to tell you the truth; 3. to put it another way; 4. to cut a long story short; 5. to tell you the truth; 6. get back to the point

Exercise 40.

A. 1. The librarian helped the boy (to) find the book. 2. Can you help me (to) fill in the form? 3. I can’t help my sister (to) do the sum. 4. Father can help my brother (to) repair his bicycle. 5. I can help my friend (to) choose a birthday present. 6. I can help my sister (to) make a chocolate cake.

B. 1. I was helped to do my homework. 2. The old lady was helped to rise to her feet. 3. We were helped to understand the difficult rule by her father. 4. They were helped to do their hard housework by Molly. 5. Andrew’s boss was helped to find the required information by Andrew. 6. I was helped to get to Buckingham Palace by the policeman.

C. 1, 4

Exercise 41.

1. I’ll have you speaking French; 2. They wouldn’t have the boys playing football; 3. The teachers had us learn; 4. I won’t have you touching your brother’s things; 5. I can’t have them telling; 6. I wish I could have you know; 7. ... you’ll have your parents coming; 8. I’d like to have my parents believe; 9. ... we’ll have your child swimming; 10. ... you’ll have the police coming

Exercise 42.

1. We’ll have you playing the guitar in a month.

2. The audience had the musicians do the number again.

3. The doctors wouldn’t have the patient dying.

4. We had our teacher believe that we understand physics.

5. If you don’t stop playing the drum, you’ll have your neighbours coming here with complaints.

6. I won’t have you missing classes.

7. As early as two months later (Within two months) they had the parrot say its first word.

8. They had us take the books back to the library before the holidays.

Exercise 45.

1. c, i; 2. a, f, l; 3. h; 4. b, c, g; 5. c; 6. a, f, l; 7. d, k; 8. b, g; 9. e; 10. j; 11. l; 12. d, k

Exercise 48.

1. d, f; 2. e; 3. a; 4. c, e; 5. b, d; 6. e

Exercise 54.

1. c; 2. b; 3. c; 4. b; 5. b; 6. c; 7. a

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