UNIT 3 - Ключи к упражнениям учебника

Английский язык - Книга для учителя с поурочным планированием и ключами 7 класс

UNIT 3 - Ключи к упражнениям учебника

Ex. 4, p. 63

George is allowed to watch films and play computer games until quite late on Saturday evenings.

George is not allowed to listen to the loud music: to stay in the room while his brother and his friends are getting ready for their tests: to take a small dog in the room: to go out.

Ex. 11, p. 64

to argue — to express disagreement / to discuss

troublemaker — a person who disturbs others

to trouble — to disturb / to worry

argument — disagreement

trouble — problem

Ex. 19, p. 66

1. If he is at the Blackfriars Bridge:

— Go straight ahead, after the bridge turn right, go along Queen Victoria Road and you’ll see the City of London School on your right.

2. If he is near St Paul’s Cathedral:

— Go down New Change Street, turn left, then take the first street on the right. Then turn on the right again to Queen Victoria Street. Across the street on your left you’ll see the City of London School.

3. If he is at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre:

— Go along Bankside Street, then cross the Thames by Southwark Bridge. Go straight ahead, then take the first street on the left. Go along Upper Thames Street and on your right you’ll see the City of London School.

Ex. 27, p. 67

Where is she / he from? — Australia (Sydney) / Germany

How did she / he get to Russia? — by plane / by train

How long did it take her / him to get there? — 16 hours / 20 hours

Ex. 34, p. 69

1. Yes, she does. She loves her students. She is proud of her students. She knows they are the best. She believes that the best teachers are those who encourage their students and make them enthusiastic.

2. No, she isn’t. She believes that strict teachers don’t create an individuality or enthusiasm.

3. She encourages her students to write things about themselves and to write their own poems. Then the poems are published in their school.

Ex. 36, p. 69

1. have to

2. should

3. have to

4. must

5. have to

Ex. 39, p. 70

— No, we needn't.

No, we mustn't.

— Yes, we must. We are late.

Yes. I think we should.

No, we needn’t. / I don’t think we should.

— Yes, they must.

No, they needn’t.

No, they shouldn’t. The school is closed.

Ex. 48, p. 71

a) learn, learning

b) studied

c) learn

d) learned

e) studying

Ex. 50, p. 72

1. When they are 16 or 18.

2. The first modern language is always French.

3. Science is a mixture of Biology. Chemistry and Physics. It is taught in a very practical way.

4. Because Russia is a very important world power.

Ex. 51, p. 72

• English

• Maths

• Literature

• History

• Geography

Ex. 56, p. 73

1. quite

2. quiet

3. quite

4. quite

5. quiet

6. quiet

7. quite

Ex. 60, p. 74

1. Hampton school is a school for boys.

2. It is situated in the town of Richmond upon Thames.

3. The students study several foreign languages: French, German, Spanish, Russian.

Ex. 64, p. 75

1. It’s hers.

2. It’s his.

3. They are his.

4. They are ours

5. They arc his.

6. They are theirs.

7. It’s yours.

8. It’s hers.

9. They are ours.

Ex. 69, p. 77

— to attend classes; to attend school

— free education; private education; secondary education; compulsory education; successful education

— means of communication

— to wear uniform

— secondary school; private school

— successful future

— successful activities; school activities

Ex. 76, p. 79

1. was bom

2. was built

3. will be given

4. 'll be asked

5. were translated

6. ...were you depressed?

7. was looked for

Ex. 78, p. 79

1. Why is Martin made fun of?

2. Who is Elizabeth being taken care of?

3. When was the new grammar rule explained to us?

4. Why is Leo di Caprio much talked about?

5. Do you feel well when you are laughed at?

6. Who is Russia rich in?

7. Who can you rely on in any difficult situation?

Ex. 79, p. 79

1. Who is the story written by?

2. What are you looking for?

3. Why do you take care of this old tree?

4. Who is made fun of in your class?

5. What were you laughing at when I opened the door?

6. What is Russia rich in?

7. What are you proud of most of all?

Ex. 80, p. 79

1. Who do you depend on?

2. What are you afraid of?

3. Who can you rely on?

4. What were you speaking about?

5. Have you heard about this accident?

Ex. 82, p. 80

1. hear

2. hear

3. listen, heard

4. hear

Ex. 86, p. 82

Stay after school — detention

Have a special card — report

Write sentences — lines

See the Head Teacher — suspension

Go to another school — exclusion

Ex. 96, p. 84

1. were / would send

2. allowed / would earn

3. knew / might tell (would tell)

4. were / might go (would go)

5. were / might get (would get)

6. worried / would come

7. needed / would ask

8. tried / might spend (would spend)

Ex. 97, p. 84

1. What would you do if your parents sent you to Harrow one day?

2. What would you do if you were invited to the Buckingham Palace?

3. What would you do if you broke a mirror one day?

4. What would you do if you were expelled from your school one day?

5. What would you do if you met Bruce Lee in your school?

6. What would you do if you flew to the Moon one day?

Ex. 105, p. 85

Conversation 1 — С

Conversation 2 — D

Conversation 3 — A

Conversation 4 — В

Ex. 114, p. 87

Help: helpful, helper, helpless

Real: unreal, reality, realise

Use: useful, useless, user, using

Create: creative, creator, creation, creativity

Ex. 122, p. 88

noun + noun: pen friend Mother’s Day, e-mail message, birthday card, teenage article, computer game, Independence Day

adjective + noun: various days, American pen friend, special role, great idea, political decision, special thank

Ex. 133, p. 90

1. ones

2. one

3. ones

4. one

5. one

6. one

Ex. 134, p. 90

“Have you seen Alice today? The one who lives in a neighbouring street? She borrowed my book on History.” — “Which one?” — “The one you read last year.”


Ex. 1, p. 92

to have (got) / an interview; a job, pocket money, mistakes, a problem, an opinion, friends, bad marks to make mistakes, pocket money, faces, out,

friends, a problem

to get out, angry, a job, along with, pocket money, bad marks

Ex. 4, p. 92

to be depressed about smth — to be sad and without hope

to be fed up with smth — to be tired of smth

to take care of smth — to protect or to look after someone

to do one’s best — to make an effort for doing things in a very good way

to call names — to say bad or rude things about someone

Ex, 5, p. 92

I think teenagers all over the world have the same problems. As for me. I get along with other students in my class rather well. They don’t call me names, they help me if I need any help. I have no problems with my parents, too. I can invite any friends home. What I’m really fed up with is sharing a room with my younger brother. Sometimes I get so angry with him! My parents aren't happy with his marks at school. So I have to take care of him. I’m depressed about doing his homework with him every day. If I don’t help him, my parents won’t allow me to go out on Saturday evening.

Ex. 7, p. 92

look, feel, is

Ex. 8, p. 92

1. I’m afraid Sasha is in trouble. Let’s speak with him today.

2. I don’t like to trouble my parents. They get depressed about my problems.

3. What are you arguing about? Is it so important?

4. Anton is a troublemaker in our class. He is always arguing with teachers.

5. What troubles you in our plan? Give your pros and cons.

Ex. 10, p. 93

1 - b), 2 - b), 3 - a)

Ex. 11, p. 93

A. Excuse me, could you tell me the way (how to get) to MOMI, please?

B. Well, go straight ahead (along the road). Then take the first street on the right.

C. Thank you.


A. Excuse me, how to get to the Russian Museum?

B. No problem. You’re just in front of it.

C. Fantastic! Thank you.


A. Excuse me, where is the nearest tube station?

B. Tm afraid, I don’t know. I’m a tourist, too.

C. Sorry. I’ll ask someone else.

Ex. 12, p. 93

to get on — to get off

to go straight — to turn

to turn right — to turn left

often — seldom

far from — next to

up — down

across — along

in front of — behind

on the left — on the right

always — never

Ex. 13, p. 93

Although, bought, eighteen, naughty, caught, high, tonight, through, doughter, straight.

Ex. 15, p. 93

1. her

2. them

3. me

4. him

5. us

6. you

7. it

Ex. 18, p. 94























Ex. 20, p. 94

a) needn’t (have to)

b) must (should); must (have to)

c) have to; should; should

Ex. 22, p. 94

1. Why are you watching TV? Have you forgotten that you should get ready for History test?

2. “Should I put a warm coat on?” — “You have to. It’s very cold today.”

3. Nastya needn’t play tennis today. She can sleep and read.

4. Lower your voice! You shouldn’t speak loudly here?

5. Roman shouldn’t play basketball so often and so long.

Ex. 24, p. 94

1. study

2. learned

3. study / studies

4. learn

Ex. 25, p. 94

A year ago I was in another school. Then 1 came to this school because they study two foreign languages (English and French) here. I realise that I’ll have to work harder: learn new words every day, read books in both languages, learn poems by heart, write tests. If I study well. I’ll be able to go to an English-speaking or a French-speaking country as an exchange student.

Ex. 28, p. 95

1. quiet

2. quite

3. quiet

4. quiet

5. quite

6. quite

Ex. 30, p. 95

1. her

2. mine / his / hers / yours

3. mine / hers / his / yours

4. his

5. her, his, mine

6. his / hers / yours

Ex. 31, p. 95

a) In Australia education is compulsory at age 6-15.

b) In state schools of Australia education is free.

c) There are some Australians who live in remote inland towns.

d) Schools of the Air are usually situated far away from the big cities,

e) Two-way radio and television help to learn about the world around them.

f) Schools through the mailbox are for students who live far away from any school in the area.

Ex. 32, p. 95

British state school

The education is free.

They are attended by 95 per cent of British students.

Girls and boys study together.

British private (or public) school

The education is very expensive.

Uniforms are based on what was worn over a hundred years ago.

They are famous as the place where some prominent people got their education.

Ex. 33, p. 95

Hi, Victor,

You asked me to write a few words about my school. I don’t think it’s much different from yours. Same basic subjects, I guess. We’ve also got lots of non-academic activities. I'm keen on baseball, if you remember. My parents believe that I should achieve all that I can.

But who knows what I really can!

What I really like about my school are the relations between our teachers and us: they are quite friendly. Teachers talk to us as if we are individuals. I really like it!

Sorry, I have to finish — the break is over.

What about your school?

Is your school much the same?

Take care!

Yours, Alison

Ex. 37, p. 96

1. Builders broke the old bridge across the river.

2. Every American knows Michael Jackson.

3. The students arranged the party themselves.

4. Everybody likes her.

5. Our Canadian exchange partners wrote the letters.

Ex. 38, p. 96

a) My country is famous for its history. Many famous people were bom there - artists, writers, sportsmen. One can learn a lot about war heroes at the town museum. The reports about some people are often written in the local newspapers. The reports about whom are written more often? Certainly, about present day heroes,

b) It’s nice that rich people of our town (village) began paying attention to the problems of those, who are poorer than they are. Schools are supplied with computers, hospitals - with medicine. At present there are a lot of people who should be taken care of. I would like to be an adult to make our life better.

Ex. 40, p. 96

1. An adult figure could be clearly seen by Louse.

2. The door was tried by him.

3. A delicious smell coming from the kitchen could be smelled by Gavin.

4. Terry’s dad was phoned by the police.

5. The bike was stolen by somebody.

Ex. 42, p. 96

1. Exclusion

2. Suspension

3. Report

4. Detention

5. Lines

Ex. 48, p. 97

a) If you went to the world championship, you would be a winner.

b) If I were you, I wouldn't miss History and Literature lessons.

c) If I were our Head teacher. I wouldn't expell students from school for their bad behaviour. I would propose (give) them some non-academic activities.

d) If all of us were polite and tolerant to each other, life wrould be more interesting and happier.

Ex. 51, p. 97

1 - b), 2 - c), 3 - c), 4 - a)

Ex. 53, p. 97

1. to know — knowledge; well-known; unknown

2. to trouble — a trouble; troublemaker

3. to invent — an invention, an inventor, inventive

4. form — formal, a formation

5. sport — sporty, sportsman

6. to depend — independence; independent

Ex. 54, p. 97

My elder brother is 17. He is a wonderful musician. But what a hard life he has! Parents want him to become serious. They expect him to begin preparing for the medical institute. They want him to Mop playing the guitar every evening. And he wants not to be disturbed while playing the guitar. They want him not to invite his noisy friends home.

I want my brother to prove even body that he is a real musician.

If 1 were him. I would arrange my own musical group!

Ex. 56, p. 98

1. No one listens to me.

2. I’m fed up with my friends.

3. I'm so depressed about it

4. All my friends have Saturday jobs.

5. They think it's really cool.

6. It’s not true.

7. My Mum won’t let me get a job.

Progress Check

Ex. 1, p. 98

In Russia education is compulsory between ages of 6-7 and 15 years. There are different types of secondary schools in the country. Most of them are state schools where education is free.

But some parents want their children to attend private schools which aren’t free.

Children have to attend school from Monday till Friday. In some schools they have to wear uniform. In others they are allowed to wear what they want.

The discipline isn’t very strict. But if a pupil behaves badly, the teacher can punish the child. Of course, the punishment isn’t severe. The teachers want their pupils to stay out of trouble and always do their best.

Ex. 2, p. 98

1 — of, 2 — to, 3 — on, 4 — for, 5 — at

Ex. 3, p. 98

1. Computers are used at their lessons.

2. The rules of the game were explained to the students by the teacher.

3. A special dinner is cooked by Ann on the 21st of May.

4. A nice picnic was arranged by them last month.

5. These funny pictures were drawn by the little boy.

Ex. 4, p. 99

1. If my parents allowed me to get a Saturday job. I would buy a new computer game.

2. If he didn’t do sports, he would often fall ill.

3. If she were in trouble, she would phone me.

4. If she were more energetic, she would try her chance.

5. If I were you, I would try to explain the problem to my parents.

Ex. 5, p. 99

1 - в), 2 - б), 3 - б)

Ex. 6, p. 99

1 — a), 2 — b), 3 — c), 4 — b), 5 — c)

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