Трудно ли быть настоящим другом? - LOOK AT TEENAGE PROBLEMS: SCHOOL EDUCATION

Английский язык - Поурочные разработки 7 класс

Трудно ли быть настоящим другом? - LOOK AT TEENAGE PROBLEMS: SCHOOL EDUCATION

Цели урока:

1. Активизация изученного материала по теме «Школьные друзья».

2. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

3. Развитие навыков письменной речи (составление анкеты).

Оборудование: 4 таблицы для работы в группах.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Good morning, my dear boys and girls!

Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear children!

I am glad to see you!

(Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear teacher!

We are glad to see you!)

— We shall find out if it is important to be a good friend and what we should do to be a true friend.

II. Речевая разминка

Учитель в быстром темпе задает вопросы и побуждает детей отвечать на них.

— Hello, Ann. Nice to see you. How are you? (I am fine, thank you. How are you?)

— I am fine, too. And what about you, Vova? How are you? (I am fine, thank you.)

— I am glad to hear that. The weather is pleasant today, isn’t it? (Oh, yes. I agree with you. It is rather warm.)

— Kate, I’d like to ask you a question. (You are welcome. What would you like to ask me about?)

— How many true friends have you got? (I have got one true friend.)

— Is it possible to have more than one best friend, Kate? (I don’t think it is possible to have more than one best friend.)

— And what about you, Nick? (I don’t think Kate is right. I have three true friends and I am sure they are devoted to me.)

— Have you got a friend, Mike? (Yes, I have. I have got a friend.)

— How long have you known each other? (We have known each other for seven years.)

— Do you see each other every day? (No, we don’t. We don’t see each other every day.)

— Do you always share your problems with your friend? (No, I don’t. Sometimes I share my problems with my parents.)

— What English proverbs about friendship do you know? (A friend in need is a friend indeed.)

— How often do you change friends? What qualities are the most important for you in your friend? Are you a good friend? Is it important to be a good friend? Why? Etc.

III. Фонетическая разминка. Активизация лексических навыков по теме «Школьные друзья»

— You can see two columns of words on the blackboard. Will you read them aloud, in a whisper? Let’s read them after Kate. Can you match the words from the first column and the second one to make up the word combinations?

Учитель привлекает внимание детей к словам, записанным в два столбика на доске. Ученики читают слова хором и по одному, громко и шепотом, повторяют слова хором за одним учеником. Затем учитель предлагает учащимся соотнести слова из первого и второго столбиков и составить словосочетания.

Примерные слова на доске:

to share








to quarrel with



to help

to get along with


to have


Примерные словосочетания: true friend, to share ideas, offer to help, helpful person, to quarrel with classmates, to quarrel with a friend, bad mood, to have a friend, to have problems, to get along with parents, to get along with classmates, etc.

IV. Активизация изученного материала по теме «Школьные друзья»

— Friends usually have much in common. But sometimes we quarrel with our friends. What could cause conflicts between you and your friend? Divide into groups of four and discuss what you quarrel about with your friend. Look at the list from exercise 108, page 86 and fill it in.

Ученики делятся на группы по четыре человека для выполнения упр. 108, стр. 86. Учитель обращает внимание детей на то, что они должны назвать как важные, так и не очень важные причины для ссоры с друзьями. На выполнение задания учащимся отводится 4 минуты, а затем списки причин каждой из групп заслушиваются всем классом. Учитель заранее готовит для детей таблицы для заполнения (смотри упр. 108, стр. 86 из учебника).

Примерная таблица:

Important things

Unimportant things

His / her behaviour

Films and books

Relations with friends

Likes and dislikes in clothes


Music and groups

Loving one boy / girl

Places to go

Relations with parents

Football teams (for girls)

V. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

— It’s time to work in pairs. Make up “a quarrel dialogue” using the word combinations and conversational formulas from exercise 109, page 86. Are you ready with the dialogues? Listen to the first dialogue and try to understand what it is about.

Учитель предлагает детям составить в парах диалог по теме «Ссора с другом». При составлении диалога ученики используют словосочетания и устойчивые выражения из упр. 109, стр. 86. В конце данного этапа урока пары учащихся по очереди выходят к доске и представляют свои диалоги. Задание для всех учеников: прослушать диалог и сказать, о чем спорят друзья.

Примерный диалог:

— Hi, Jack!

— Hi, Mike! Where are you going?

— To the cinema. Will you join me?

— No, I can’t. Listen, we’ve got something to talk about.

— What’s the matter?

— If you don’t do your homework every day, you’ll be in big trouble.

— Why should I do it every day? I will prepare for the test and control works.

— You know why. Our teacher will punish you.

— Don’t worry.

VI. Физкультминутка

Учитель напоминает детям слова стихотворения и движения пальчиков, а затем рассказывает стихотворение и выполняет движения вместе с детьми.

One little witch was fixing her black shoe,

Another came to help, and then there were two.

Two little witches climbed high in the tree,

Another started climbing, and then there were three.

Three little witches said, “More brooms. We need more.”

Another brought her broom, and then there were four.

Four little witches said, “Through the sky let’s dive.”

Another came along, and then there were five.

Five little witches flying high in the sky.

“To the moon,” they said. “To the moon let’s fly!”

VII. Активизация навыков чтения и устной речи

— Do you like quizzes? You can see the part of the quiz in exercise 110, page 86. Read the question and the possible answers to yourself. What answer have you chosen? Why? Do you agree with Mike? Why not?

Учитель организует выполнение упр. 110, стр. 86. Ученики сначала читают варианты ответов на вопрос из задания данного упражнения про себя, а затем выбирают один из вариантов и озвучивают его. Учитель напоминает детям о необходимости аргументировать свой выбор.

Примерная анкета:

1. Your friend is in a bad mood today. Do you...?

...offer your help?

...ask him/her what has happened?

...ask him to go to the park with you?

...don’t care about it?

2. Your classmates laugh at your friend. Do you...?

...have a fight?

...laugh at your friend too?

...support your friend?

...don’t care about it?

3. Your friend doesn’t get along with his/her parents. Do you...?

...have a talk with his parents?

...tell your friend that it is not an important problem?

...tell your friend about your problems with parents?

...don’t care about it?

4. Your friend began to smoke. Do you...?

...join him?

...tell him that he/she will be popular among classmates?

...tell his/her parents about it?

...ask your friends not to smoke because it is dangerous for his health?

VIII. Развитие навыков письменной речи (составление анкеты)

— Let’s make up our own quiz. You have the questions in exercise 11, page 86. Think of the possible answers, please. You may continue this quiz and ask your own question.

Упр. 11, стр. 86 выполняется учениками в группах по 3—5 человек. Учитель предлагает учащимся придумать возможные ответы на вопросы, а также составить свои собственные ответы и вопросы. В конце урока группы обмениваются составленными анкетами и отвечают на вопросы других групп.

IX. Подведение итогов урока

— That brings us to the end. We have known that it is not easy to be a good friend but it is impossible to imagine our life without friends. Will you stand up? Let’s remember and learn the poem about the important rules.

Ученики рассказывают стихотворение вместе с учителем.

Don’t run across the road, stop and look.

Don’t write on the wall, write in your book.

Don’t run in school, always walk.

Listen to the teacher, please, don’t talk.

— Get your things together. Till Thursday. Good-bye, my dear friends.

Домашнее задание: рабочая тетрадь: упр. 1,2, стр. 64.

Для любых предложений по сайту: axiomaonline@cp9.ru