UNIT 4 - Урок 4 - Ключи к заданиям рабочей тетради

Английский язык 7 класс - Книга для учителя к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой - 2015 год

UNIT 4 - Урок 4 - Ключи к заданиям рабочей тетради


Ex. 1. True: 2, 5; false: 1; not stated: 3, 4, 6.

Ex. 2. No. 4.


Ex. 3. Breathe, breakable, curious, especially, rainforest, twin, including, domestic, moveable, scientific, similar, support, relative, spacious, hide.

Ex. 6. True; 1, 3, 4; false: 2, 5; not stated: 6.

Ex. 7. 1d, 2f, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6g, extra — e.

Ex. 8. 1) In 1925 in India. 2) He had one sister and two brothers. 3) In 1928, when he was three. 4) They didn’t like the English weather. 5) Five years. 6) A big scorpion with lots of babies. 7) Because he was frightened by (afraid of) the scorpion. 8) In 1939. 9) Because the war began. 10) His brother Larry asked him to do it.


Ex. 11. (sample): 2) His name is Pirate and he is five years old. 3) How long have you had it? 4) What do you mean? 5) Do you take him to the vet?

Ex. 12. 1) Here “of a feather” means “of the same kind or family”, and the verb “to flock” means “to feed or travel in company”. We don’t find seagulls flocking with swallows or sparrows flocking with woodpeckers. In the same way, human beings with similar tastes or interests tend to come together in groups. This proverb is about people we disapprove. 2) If a hunter has shot one bird, it is much better than to look at the two birds flying in the air. We use the proverb to mean that it is better to get something small than to regret it and hope for something better. 3) Good advice to those who get up late in the morning or miss opportunities by not acting properly. If you get up early, you can do a lot of things.

1) Рыбак рыбака видит издалека. 2) Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. 3) Кто рано встаёт, тому Бог подаёт.

Use of English

Ex. 13. 2) curious; 3) especially; 4) scientific; 5) similar; 6) species; 7) including; 8) human; 9) ostrich; 10) relative; 11) insect; 12) common; 13) support; 14) pigeon; 15) nightingale; 16) wood.

Ex. 14. 2) bluebell; 3) birch; 4) fir; 5) thistle; 6) sunflower; 7) oak; 8) lily; 9) water lily; 10) lily of the valley; 11) pine; 12) shamrock.

Ex. 15. 2) bluebell; 3) breathe, breathe; 4) hidden; 5) especially; 6) relative; 7) similar; 8) curious; 9) humans; 10) species; 11) included, close; 12) scientific.

Ex. 16. (sample): 1) polar bears, horses, dogs, elephants; 2) bluebells, tulips, roses, lilies, lilies of the valley; 3) ants, beetles, flies, caterpillars, spiders; 4) hedgehogs, wolves, dogs, cats, mice; 5) hares, squirrels.

Ex. 17. 2) in; 3) for; 4) from; 5) behind; 6) till; 7) about; 8) out; 9) up; 10) out; 11) off.

Ex. 18. A. I. 2) enjoyable; 3) readable; 4) movable; 5) understandable; 6) imaginable; 7) washable; 8) comparable; 9) advisable; 10) suitable. II. 1) fashionable; 2) comfortable; 3) knowledgeable; 4) pleasurable; 5) honourable; 6) valuable; 7) memorable; 8) reasonable.

Ex. 19. 1) вообразимый; 2) моющийся, подлежащий стирке; 3) сравнимый, подлежащий сравнению; 4) целесообразный; 5) подходящий; 6) приятный, отрадный, доставляющий удовольствие; 7) достойный, честный, почетный; 8) ценный; 9) запоминающийся; 10) благоразумный.

Ех. 21. 2) different; 3) beautiful; 4) grassy, dangerous, careless; 5) unhappiness, illness; 6) building, central; 7) snowy, quickly; 8) wonderful, exciting, funny, friendly; 9) enjoyable 10) careful, breakable.

Ex. 22. 2) different; 3) wonderful; 4) unusual; 5) colourful; 6) tropical; 7) beautiful; 8) really; 9) inexpensive; 10) medical.

Ex. 23. A. 1) спуститься с небес на землю; 2) что только; 3) зачем только, с какой стати; 4) как только; 5) кто только..., кто же...

Ех. 24. 2) the others; 3) others; 4) another; 5) fly; 6) the others; 7) land; 8) earth; 9) ground; 10) the other; 11) up; 12) soil; 13) up; 14) off; 15) out.

Ex. 25. 2) No one will be able to do that. 3) Does anyone remember this word? 4) Is there anyone who doesn’t understand what to do? 5) They need someone like you, someone who understands business methods. 6) Irene told me she was not in love with Robert but with someone else. 7) No one can help me. 8) Not everyone has got that much money.

Ex. 26. 2) hide—hid—hidden; 3) pay—paid—paid; 4) burn—burnt—burnt; 5) strike—struck—struck; 6) draw—drew—drawn; 7) blow—blew—blown; 8) wear—wore—worn; 9) spell—spelt (spelled) — spelt (spelled); 10) fly—flew—flown; 11) breathe—breathed—breathed; 12) grow—grew—grown; 13) mean—meant—meant; 14) put—put—put; 15) stand—stood—stood; 16) win—won—won.

Ex. 27. 2) hasn’t learnt; 3) burnt; 4) heard; 5) have never known; 6) have won; 7) haven’t forgotten; 8) dreamt, has become/became; 9) have made; 10) didn’t mean; 11) put.

Ex. 28. 2) oldest, largest, tallest; 3) species, their; 4) higher, colder; 5) lower; 6) less; 7) fish; 8) grows, fastest, its; 9) largest, tallest, taller, stands.

Ex. 29. Part 1 2) its; 3) said; 4) became; 5) bravest; 6) appeared; 7) ran; 8) left; 9) was; Part 2 1) Have you noticed...; 2) has been living; 3) has become; 4) got; 5) fatter; 6) fatter; 7) ate; 8) our; 9) biggest; 10) heard; 11) were coming; 12) didn’t stop; 13) got; 14) did I see; 15) was.

Ex. 30. 2) has just stopped; 3) has been playing; 4) have you been waiting; 5) has been doing, has not finished; 6) have read; 7) has been planting, has planted; 8) have been looking; 9) has been learning; 10) have not seen; 11) has been reading.

Ex. 31. 2F, 3G, 4F, 5G, 6G, 7G, 8G.


Ex. 32. (sample): 2) Happy birthday, Tom! Many happy returns of the day! 3) Dear Aunt Rachel, Greetings on Women’s Day! 4) Dear Victor, Congratulations! 5) Greetings on Teacher’s Day! 6) Happy Easter! 7) I wish you all the luck in the world!/All the good luck! 8) Dear Archie, Merry Christmas! 9) Dear Mum, Happy Mother’s Day!

Ex. 33. Enjoy yourself! 2) Have fun! 3) Have a good time!

Just for Fun

Ex. 35. 1c, 2d, 3e, 4a, 5b.

Ex. 36. 2) table; 3) needs; 4) steal.

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