Английский язык - Новый полный справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ - 2018


Задания 32-38 — повышенного уровня. Они направлены на распознавание и употребление изученных лексических единиц с акцентом на их лексическую сочетаемость. Эти задания составлены в виде теста с множественным выбором. Учащимся предлагается прочитать текст с пропусками и выбрать один из четырёх предложенных вариантов для их заполнения. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 32-38.

После выполнения заданий 32-38 необходимо перенести ответы в бланк ответов № 1 (задания 32-38). За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. Максимальный первичный балл за задания группы 32-38 — 7 баллов.

Элементы содержания, которые могут проверяться в данном разделе экзамена, указаны в кодификаторе элементов содержания и приведены ниже в таблице.

Код контролируемого элемента

Элементы содержания, проверяемые на ЕГЭ


Предлоги. Предлоги места, направления, времени


Фразовые глаголы (look for, ...)


Многозначность лексических единиц. Синонимы. Антонимы


Лексическая сочетаемость


• Это задание направлено, скорее, на проверку вашего словарного запаса, а не грамматики. Наиболее часто встречающиеся разделы, знание которых проверяется в этих заданиях, — это фразовые глаголы, предлоги, устойчивые словосочетания, а также слова, близкие по форме или по значению, которые легко спутать (например, make и do).

• Прежде чем начать выполнять задание, обязательно прочитайте весь рассказ, не обращая внимания на пропуски, чтобы понять его основное содержание, и подумайте, какое слово могло бы подойти. Даже если вы не сможете вспомнить подходящее слово, оно начнет “вертеться у вас на языке”, и вы его сразу же узнаете, когда прочитаете предлагаемые ответы!

• Перечитайте рассказ до первого пропуска. При выборе ответа особое внимание обратите на слова, прилегающие к пропуску, так как очень часто именно они определяют правильный ответ. Выбор правильного слова из двух подходящих может зависеть, например, от предлога или слова, стоящего до или после пропуска.

• Подумайте, какие слова могли бы подойти для заполнения пропуска. Только теперь прочитайте предлагаемые варианты ответов и сделайте ваш выбор.

• Если вы не знаете, какой ответ выбрать, попробуйте начать исключать варианты, которые точно не подходят.

• Если вы всё-таки не можете определить, какой ответ является правильным, положитесь на свою интуицию и попытайтесь отгадать правильный ответ. На экзамене ни в коем случае не оставляйте пустую клетку в бланке ответов, так как за пустые клетки баллов не начисляют!

• Проверьте, все ли пропуски вы заполнили. После того, как вы выбрали все ответы, не забудьте перенести их в бланк ответов № 1. Это последнее задание в разделе, и очень часто в спешке учащиеся забывают перенести ответы в бланк. Помните, при подсчете баллов учитываются только те ответы, которые перенесены в бланк ответов!

• Рекомендуемое время на выполнение этого задания — 20 мин.



Предлоги времени



для обозначения времени суток:

at 6 o’clock, at night, at midnight, at lunchtime, at sunset, etc.

в устойчивых словосочетаниях:

at the weekend, at Christmas/Easter, at the moment, at present, at first/at last, at a time, at the same time, at all times (always), at the end of June, at his age


для обозначения дней и дат:

on Sunday, on Sunday evening(s), on 9 November 1949, on Christmas Day/Eve, on my birthday, on the morning of the 6th

в устойчивых словосочетаниях:

on time (punctual, not late), on (=after) arrival, on getting to the airport


для обозначения более длинных периодов (месяцы/годы/времена года):

in May, in 2000, in the 20th century, in the past, in (the) summer, in the 1990s, in (the) future, in the Middle Ages

в устойчивых словосочетаниях:

in the morning/afternoon/evening, in a few minutes, in two months, in his forties, in time (for sth = soon enough), in no time(very quickly), in the end (finally)


for a long time, for ages, for the weekend, for ever


since last year/spring, since 1998, since morning, since 3 o’clock


by 5 o’clock, by tomorrow, by 2003, by the end of July

till, from

till 5 o’clock, till Monday, till the early morning, from 7 till 12 o’clock, from early morning till late at night, from time to time

no preposition

this week/month/year, last Friday/last time/last night, next week/month/year, next Friday/next time, every day

1.1. Предлоги времени. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги там, где необходимо.

1. She is __________ her sixties, but she looks much younger.

2. The first man walked on the moon __________ 21 July 1969.

3. The telephone and the doorbell rang __________ the same time.

4. What are you doing __________ the weekend?

5. Charles is getting married __________ next year.

6. Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America __________ 1492.

7. I nearly missed my flight yesterday. I got to the airport just __________ time.

8. I’m busy just now, but I’ll be with you __________ a moment.

9. We often have a short holiday __________ Christmas.

10. Do you work __________ Wednesdays?

1.2. Предлоги времени. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги там, где необходимо.

1. __________ last year we went to France.

2. Jenny’s brother is an engineer, but he’s out of work __________ the moment.

3. I had translated this article __________ 6 o’clock yesterday.

4. Tom is a very fast runner. He can run 100 metres __________ 10 seconds.

5. I went to school __________ the age of 6, so I’ve already been studying __________ 9 years.

6. Pauline got married __________ 18 May, 1991.

7. It took me long to find a job. __________ the end I got a job in a hotel.

8. I haven’t met him __________ last Friday.

9. I normally get paid __________ the end of the month.

10. I nearly forgot about Jack’s birthday. Fortunately I remembered just __________ time.

Предлоги места и направления

Предлоги места



когда рассматриваете место как территорию, объём:

in the room, in the house, in the box, in the plate, in the cup, in the snow, in the water, in the river, in London, in town, in the country


чтобы сообщить, что кто-то или что-то находится:

in a line/row/queue/street, in a photograph, in a picture, in a mirror, in the sky, in the world, in a book, in a newspaper, in a magazine , in a letter, in a tree in bed/in hospital/in prison


когда рассматриваете место как точку на карте:

at the bus stop, at the station, at the airport, at somebody’s house, at the greengrocer’s, at the theatre, at the cinema, to live at 5 Kings Road, at the doctor’s, at the hairdresser

когда говорите, что кто-то находится:

at school, at college, at home, at work, at sea, at the meeting


когда рассматриваете место как поверхность:

on a page, on the table, on the wall, on the sofa, on the window, on the ceiling, on the door, on your nose, on your shirt, on the bottle

чтобы сообщить, что кто-то или что-то находится:

on the left, on the right, on the ground floor, on the map, on the menu, on a list, on a river, on a road, on the coast, on the way, on the Internet


in the corner of a room

Но: on the corner/at the corner of a street

in the front/in the back of a car or on the front/on the back of a letter

at the front/at the back of a building/cinema/group of people, etc.

on a bus/on a train/on a plane/on foot

in a car/in a taxi

to arrive in a country or a city

to arrive at other places (buildings, etc.) or events

I love swimming in the sea.

We were at sea (=on a ship) for 30 days.

There is some water in the bottle.

There is a label on the bottle.

Open the book at page 7, please.

You’ll find details of TV programme on page 7 of this newspaper.

There is somebody at the door.

There was a knock on the door.

Предлоги направления





через, поперек

They ran straight across the road.


вдоль, по

We were driving along Abbey Road.


вниз; вдоль, по

A young man came hurrying down the street.


в, к

They were heading for the train station.


с, от, из

He took a knife from his pocket.



They went into the office.


за (движение наружу)

Charlotte went to the window and looked out.

out of

из (движение изнутри)

The keys must have fallen out of my pocket.


через, над

Somehow the sheep jumped over the fence.


вокруг, кругом

The Moon goes round the Earth.


через, сквозь

She smiled at him as he walked through the door.


к, по направлению к

He noticed two policemen coming towards him.


к, в, на

She stood up and walked to the window.


вверх, вдоль по

We walked slowly up the hill.

1.3. Предлоги места. Вставьте предлоги at, in или on.

1. Mike lives ______ Oxford. He’s a student ______ Oxford University.

2. Write your name ______ the top of the page.

3. Who is this boy ______ that photo?

4. Meet me ______ the bus-stop ______ the end of Regent Street.

5. There is somebody ______ the door. Shall I go and see who it is?

6. You’ll find the sports results ______ the back page of the newspaper.

7. Where are the children playing? They are playing ______ the beach.

8. She lives ______ the ground floor.

9. It can be dangerous when children play ______ the street.

10. I usually buy a newspaper ______ my way to work in the morning.

1.4. Предлоги места. Вставьте предлоги at, in или on.

1. London is ______ the river Thames. I like swimming ______ the river.

2. I was sitting ______ the back of the class.

3. His signature was ______ the back of this photo.

4. I don’t know where my umbrella is. Perhaps I left it ______ the chair.

5. Tom is ill. He wasn’t ______ work today. He was ______ home ______ bed.

6. They live ______ Stavrovo, a small village ______ the road to Vladimir.

7. Let’s meet ______ the entrance to the museum at 6 o’clock.

8. If you walk to the end of the street, you’ll see a small shop ______ the corner.

9. I wasn’t in when you phoned. I was ______ my sister’s house.

10. The exhibition ______ the Museum of Modern Art finished on Saturday.

1.5. Прочитайте текст и вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

(1) ______ the past decades world communication has developed into a rapidly expanding field based on computer technology. You can use computers for communication everywhere: (2) ______ the office, (3) ______ school or (4) ______ home. The Internet allows us to contact people from different countries (5) ______ next to no time. However, a special danger for computer systems is posed by viruses. When (6) ______ 3 November 1988 a computer virus disrupted the US nationwide ARPANET computer system, this forced some 6,000 computers to be shut down (7) ______ two days leading to a total damage of over $100 million. Similar cases occurred (8) ______ 1986 when (9) ______ Texas through computer malfunction lethal overdoses of radiation were given to cancer patients. It is now obvious that business, administration and society depend to a high degree on the efficiency and security of servers (10) ______ the Internet.

Существительные с предлогом


(dis) advantage of

access to

advice on/about

attitude towards/to

answer to


(take) care of

complaint about

cheque for


comparison between


damage to

description of

decrease in

difference between/in/of

delay in

difficulty in

demand/desire for


effect on

exception to

example of

expert at/in/on sth


failure in/at


hope for


impact on

intention of (doing sth)

increase in

interest in

independence from

invitation to

influence on


knowledge of


lack of


need for


opinion of/about/in

opposite of

opportunity for


(take) part in

(take) pride in

protection from/against


question about


reaction to

reputation for

reason for

research on/into

reduction in

responsibility for

relationship between

result of

relationship with sb

rise in

reply to

(have) roots in

report on


search for

a solution to

shame on sb

а specialist in

(take) shelter from

(feel) sympathy for


talent for

a taste for

а taste of

threat to


understanding of


visit to

1.6. Вставьте пропущенные существительные, так, чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали предложению. Используйте перечисленные выше слова.

1. Technology has had a serious ______ on hobbies.

2. Older people usually make ______ between modern hobbies and hobbies in the past.

3. He is a real ______ in photography.

4. She had an obvious ______ for music and spent all her free time playing the piano.

5. Taking up a hobby is an ideal ______ to your problems.

6. All craftsmen take great ______ in their work.

7. ______ of common sense can lead to serious injuries.

8. Could you explain your ______ for choosing this particular course?

9. Recent ______ on war-gaming shows that this hobby is on the increase.

10. Playing computer games for a long time can pose a direct ______ to children’s health.

1.7. Вставьте пропущенные существительные, так, чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали предложению. Используйте слова из списка на с. 269—270.

1. My uncle suddenly announced his ______ of selling the collection of paintings.

2. Strong winds had caused serious ______ to the roof of the museum.

3. Don’t worry about me, I can take ______ of myself.

4. The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy ______ to the required information.

5. There was a ______ in the book’s publication. The novel was published only last month.

6. The minister took full ______ for the disaster and resigned.

7. This painting is a marvelous ______ of her work.

8. Thanks for the ______ to your birthday party.

9. He needed to satisfy his ______ for revenge.

10. Spray repellent is perfect ______ against mosquitoes.

1.8. Прочитайте текст и вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

Leisure activities include recreation, sport, tourism and entertainment. Demand (1) ______ leisure activities is expected to increase as people have more money to spend on leisure. However, not all people take active part (2) ______ leisure pursuits. The reasons (3) ______ not engaging in recreational activities are usually lack (4) ______ money or interest. Some people have difficulties (5) ______ finding time for leisure because of their busy schedules.

Leisure is important for our health therefore it is necessary to ensure that all people have equal opportunities (6) ______ leisure. The obvious solution (7) ______ the problem is to make all leisure facilities free of charge. In addition, people should be given advice (8) ______ what kind of leisure activity suits them best. In this case they will take full advantage (9) ______ recreational facilities and we’ll see the expected rise (10) ______ leisure activities.

1.9. Прочитайте текст и вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

There is a great difference (1) ______ modern and classical art. The history of modern art started with Impressionism. It all began in Paris as a reaction (2) ______ a very formal style of painting done inside studios and set by traditional institutions. The Impressionists preferred to paint outside and studied the effect of light (3) ______ different objects. Their favourite subjects were landscapes and scenes from daily life. In this way they expressed their personal attitude (4) ______ life and nature. Cubism, another art movement, also had a major influence (5) ______ the development of modern art. Cubism had strong roots (6) ______ African tribal art. In cubism, everything is reduced to cubes and other geometric shapes. Cubism paved the way for the growing interest (7) ______ abstract art.

Russian-born painter Wassily Kandinsky is said to be the father of abstract art. Wassily Kandinsky took part (8) ______ numerous art exhibitions throughout Europe and earned a reputation (9) ______ promoting new ideas in painting. If you ever come to Munich, you should not miss a visit (10) ______ the Lenbachhaus Museum, which has many of his paintings on display.

Прилагательные с предлогом


accustomed to

angry at sth

addicted to

angry with sb

afraid of

annoyed about sth

amazed at/by

annoyed with sb

amused at/with

anxious about


bad at sth

bound/likely to

bored with sth

busy with


(in)capable of

confident of/bout

careful of

conscious of

careless аbout of

crazy about

certain about/of

crowded with

close to

cruel to

concerned about/for

curious about


delighted with

disappointed with

dependent on

different from/to


disgusted by/at

engaged to sb

excellent at

enthusiastic about

excited about

envious of

equal to


experienced in

faithful to

fond of

familiar to sb

free from/of sth

familiar with sb/sth

friendly with/to

famous for

frightened of

fed up with


full of

generous to sb

good to sb

good at sth

grateful to sb for sth

good for sb/sth


guilty of/about

happy for sb

harmful to


identical to

hopeless at sth

inferior to

impressed by/with

independent of


jealous of


interested in

kind to sb

keen on (doing) sth


late for


known as

mad about/on sb/sth

married to

mad at/with sb


nervous about


mean to sb

patient with

popular with

pleased with

polite to

proud of


ready for

respected for

relevant to

responsible for

reluctant to

rude to

renowned for


safe from

sorry for sb

(dis)satisfied with

sorry for/about sth

separate from

suitable for

serious about

superior to

shocked by/at

sure of/about sth

short of

surprised at/by

similar to

suspicious of


terrible at

tolerant of

terrified of

typical of

tired of


upset about/by sth

useful to sb

useful for sth


weak at sth

wrong about

1.10. Вставьте пропущенные прилагательные, так, чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали предложению. Используйте перечисленные выше слова.

1. My sister is not ______ in visiting museums and art galleries. She finds it mind-numbing.

2. This hotel is ______ of accommodating 1200 tourists.

3. He trains very hard. He is ______ to win.

4. We were ______ about the idea of going to Spain because of its great culture.

5. Unfortunately, we were ______ for our plane.

6. This club is especially ______ with teenagers.

7. They were ______ about their hotel because they had not been there before.

8. She is ______ in dealing with difficult customers.

9. Please don’t bother him. He is ______ with his project.

10. This café looks ______ to me. Haven’t we been there before?

11. I am ______ of travelling by plane. I can’t help thinking about crashes and hijackers.

12. Tourists were ______ for the damage to the local environment.

13. I was really ______ of shopping so I decided to go home.

1.11. Вставьте пропущенные прилагательные, так, чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали предложению. Используйте слова из таблицы выше.

1. Paul is very ______ in appearance to his brother.

2. I’m ______ for all the trouble I’ve caused her.

3. Monaco is usually ______ with celebrities. I think there are too many famous people there.

4. Sugar is said to be ______ to our teeth.

5. David is very ______ of his brother’s good looks. He envies him a lot.

6. You were ______ about the time — the shop closed at 7, not at 8.

7. It’s difficult to make airports ______ from terrorist attacks.

8. The jury found him ______ of murder.

9. They were ______ in the work of great importance.

10. How could you be so ______ to your dog? It’s awful!

11. The book is ______ for quick reference.

12. We can’t buy this car. We are ______ of money.

13. I was very ______ about driving again after the accident.

1.12. Прочитайте текст и вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

When we think of the British, we always imagine a man in a bowler hat with a pipe in one hand. In fact, it’s not typical (1) ______ the British to wear this type of hat any more. But when people are on duty they have to obey certain rules. Even the bus-drivers in Britain wear a white shirt and a tie at work. However, the British are probably more tolerant (2) ______ ‘strange’ clothing than people in most other countries.

British people tend to be rather conservative, they love familiar things. They keep their old traditions and are very proud (3) ______ them. Britain has more living symbols of its past than many other countries. The English are also famous (4) ______ their sense of humour. You can easily offend them if you tell them they have по sense of humour. English people are fond (5) ______ sports. They are particularly keen (6) ______ football, rugby, cricket and golf.

There are other stereotypes of national character which you may be surprised (7) ______. For instance, the Scots have a reputation for being careful (8) ______ money, the Welsh are renowned (9) ______ their singing abilities, and the Irish are known (10) ______ great talkers.

1.13. Прочитайте текст и вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

My uncle George has been working in the media for about 15 years now. He is pleased (1) ______ his job and intends to work for another 15 years or so. Uncle George is a journalist. He has an eye for a story and he is excellent (2) ______ reporting sensational news. He is highly respected (3) ______ his honesty and elegant writing style. Uncle George travels a lot. He is delighted (4) ______ this opportunity because he is curious (5) ______ everything that happens in the world. Sometimes my uncle does celebrity interviews. He says it’s a very challenging job. Not all celebrities are friendly (6) ______ journalists and some stars can be even rude (7) ______ them. Nevertheless, my uncle is always on top of the situation. I am impressed (8) ______ his ability to get on well with people. Journalists are accustomed (9) ______ operating under pressure and working to tight deadlines. I think they have the best job in the world! Uncle George is sure (10) ______ his future because journalists will never be unemployed. When I’m older, I want to work in the media too.

Глаголы с предлогом


accuse sb of

(dis)approve of

advise sb on about sth

argue with/sb аbout sth

(dis)agree with sb

arrest sb for sth

about/on sth

arrive at а building

aim at

arrive in а city/country

apologise to sb for sth

ask for

apply to sb for sth

associate with


beg for

blame sb for sth

believe in

blame sth on sb

belong to

boast about/of

benefit from

borrow from

beware of


саrе about sb/sth

confess sth to sb

саrе for sb/sth

congratulate sb on sth

choose from/between

connect to/with

collaborate with

consist of

combine with

contrast with

comment on

contribute to

communicate with

cooperate with sb

compare with/to

соре with

compete with sb for sth

cover sb in/with sth

complain to sb about/of sth

criticise for

concentrate on sth


deal with

discourage from

decide on

distinguish between

dedicate sth to sb

divide sth between/ among

depart from

divide sth into

depend on

divide by (Maths)

describe sth to sb

dream about/of

differ from


escape from

experiment on sb/sth with sth

exchange sth for sth else

explain sth to sb

excuse sb for/from


fight with

forget about

fill sth with sth else


glance at


head for/towards

hear from sb

hear about/of sb/sth


include in

hope for

invest in

insist on

invite to

introduce sb to sb/sth


join in


know about sth


involve in

lean on/against

listen to

lie to sb about sth


look forward to

(be) made of/from

mistake sb/sth for

mean by

mention to


sb/sth else

object to sb/sth


occur to

рау for

protect sb from/against sth

point аt/to

protest about/against/at

praise sb for sth

provide sb with sth

pray for sb/sth

provide sth for sb

prefer to

punish sb for

prepare for prevent from


put the blame for sth on sb

receive sth from sb

remind sb about sth

recover from

remind sb of sb/sth

reduce sth to

replace sth with sth else

refer to

rescue sb from

regard sb/sth as

result from

relate to

result in

rely on

retire from


save sb from

stare at

sentence sb to

stеаl sth from sb

shout at

succeed in

smile at/to

suffer from

speak to/with sb

supply sb with sth

specialise in

spend money on sth

suspect sb of


take саге of sb/sth

think of/about

talk to/with sb about sth

thank for


vote for/against


translate from

wait for

wonder about

warn sb about/against/of

waste money on sth

worry about

1.14. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

1. Last winter he suffered ______ pneumonia.

2. If you don’t understand any of these words, you could refer ______ a dictionary.

3. The accident resulted ______ the death of a man.

4. His failure resulted ______ lack of attention to details.

5. It wasn’t his car, in fact I don’t know who it belongs ______.

6. Nurses are very badly paid, I think they should insist ______ higher rates of pay.

7. The buses are often late, so you can’t depend ______ them.

8. Keep enough money to pay______ your ticket.

9. She listened ______ me very attentively.

10. Who was the boy you were all laughing ______?

11. He was always arguing ______ his brother.

12. I agree ______ you that we should wait a bit longer ______ her.

13. She never apologizes ______ arriving late.

14. If you want to travel, that would be a good job to apply ______.

15. I congratulated him ______ his victory.

1.15. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

1. Can we rely ______ him to support us?

2. They complained ______ me ______ the noise.

3. Can you explain this word ______ me?

4. How often do you borrow books ______ the library?

5. My children are looking forward ______ Christmas.

6. They arrived ______ the party at 8 p.m.

7. What time did you arrive ______ London?

8. I must introduce you ______ my cousin.

9. Her father disapproves ______ her behaviour.

10. His views differ considerably ______ those of his parents.

11. Shall we ask ______ help?

12. Patients have benefited greatly ______ this treatment.

13. Do you believe______ the existence of aliens?

14. I spent the morning dealing ______ my emails.

15. The UK consists ______ four countries.

1.16. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

1. The police charged him ______ murder.

2. Teenagers are often criticized ______ rude behaviour.

3. Noise prevented me ______ sleeping.

4. Young people find it difficult to cope ______ stress.

5. Let’s hope ______ the best.

6. The teacher accused the pupil ______ cheating.

7. Last year our group was involved ______ some environmental projects.

8. The teacher supplied us ______ all necessary information for our project.

9. It suddenly occurred ______ me that Jack was afraid of being alone.

10. Don’t blame television ______ the bad effect it has.

11. I prefer volleyball ______ basketball.

12. Watching soaps help people to escape ______ their everyday problems.

13. She spends lots of money ______ her clothes.

14. Most of the students were aiming ______ jobs in television.

15. He finally succeeded ______ passing the FCE exam.

1.17. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

1. Don’t shout ______ me?

2. I was asked to prepare a report ______ the next lesson.

3. Her job is to advise ______ choosing a future career.

4. Please excuse me ______ being late.

5. He was punished ______ playing truant.

6. She is dreaming ______ studying in London.

7. They are appealing ______ local businesses ______ sponsorship money.

8. The lecture provided him ______ an opportunity to meet this famous scientist.

9. Hope to hear ______ you soon.

10. Her father objected ______ her marriage.

11. We would like you to comment ______ our project.

12. They’ve decided ______ Spain for their holiday this year.

13. Many local businesses offered to contribute ______ the school rebuilding fund.

14. ‘I must go,’ Claudia said, glancing ______ her watch.

15. You’ll be competing ______ the best athletes ______ the trophy.

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