150 важнейших неправильных глаголов для безупречного английского - 2016


Упражнение 1

1. They burst out laughing. 2. He went to the garden and cut some flowers. 3. He bet $ 20 on the game. 4. The suit fit him well. 5. Who forecast that a tornado would occur? 6. He hit the road. 7. Who broadcast gossip? 8. He hurt his hand. 9. The car cost $ 5,000. 10. The horse cast a shoe.

Упражнение 2

1. The fishers have cast a net. 2. Who has hit my dog? 3. They have broadcast the latest news. 4. She has cut the cake. 5. He has bet on the black horse. 6. Is that true that he has forecast your future? 7. The soap bubble has burst. 8. Have you hurt yourself? 9. Has the key fit the lock? 10. This mistake has cost them their work.

Упражнение 3

1. Эта оплошность стоила ему карьеры. 2. Они поставили все деньги на эту лошадь во втором заезде. 3. Свитер был вам в самый раз. 4. Какая станция передавала его речь? 5. Что они предсказали? 6. Вам больно? 7. Жребий брошен. 8. Она так сильно ударила по мячу, что он не смог найти его. 9. Плотину прорвало. 10. У ребёнка резались зубки.

Упражнение 4

1. He has cut his finger. 2. The door burst open. 3. We insisted but they cast our request. 4. The has car hit the tree. 5. He forecast that it would rain. 6. The interview was broadcast from St Petersburg. 7. The house cost $ 100,000. 8. Has the uniform fit him? 9. His back hurt. 10. Did you bet with him?

Упражнение 5

1. Last month she quit her job. 2. She set the table. 3. They shut their ears to your words. 4. The duck spread its wings. 5. We let them through. 6. He put no rum in the tea. 7. He thrust the chair against the door. 8. She knit by hand. 9. She wet the cloth and cleaned the room window.

Упражнение 6

1. Why have they shut down the factory? 2. Who has spread this gossip? 3. She has put out a new book. 4. Have you knit a new sweater? 5. They were thrust into the job. 6. Father has let me wash the car. 7. He got his boots wet. 8. They are set to go at any time. 9. Why has he quit the university?

Упражнение 7

1. Действие фильма происходит в Китае. 2. Вы закрыли свои ворота? 3. Она разложила карту на полу. 4. Кто навесил на вас новые обязанности? 5. Он положил себе сахар в кофе. 6. Она оставила сцену. 7. Он нахмурил брови. 8. Я промок насквозь. 9. Вчера учитель отпустил их домой пораньше.

Упражнение 8

1. He spread the butter on the bread. 2. She has knit a scarf for him. 3. He wet his hair and applied the shampoo. 4. I put on my boots. 5. I quit smoking ten years ago. 6. He thrust aside the contract. 7. The teacher let them go home early yesterday. 8. He shut down the engine. 9. He set his watch to the correct time.

Упражнение 9

1. On the third day Jesus Christ rose from the dead. 2. They spent their honeymoon in Moscow. 3. He lent the money to her. 4. The road bent to the right. 5. She drove me home. 6. Who wrote “War and Remembrance”? 7. While we walked a wind rose. 8. He strove hard to succeed. 9. The water in the bottle froze over. 10. He sent her a letter from Paris.

Упражнение 10

1. Has the river frozen over yet? 2. She has bent down to pick up a flower. 3. People have always striven towards happiness. 4. Do you know that fear is written on your face? 5. She has driven for twenty years. 6. A fight has arisen. 7. Have you sent your parents a postcard yet? 8. She has spent her life doing good. 9. Lately he has risen in her opinion. 10. She has lent support to him.

Упражнение 11

1. Она написала новую книгу. 2. Они одолжили мне свою машину. 3. Возникли новые проблемы 4. Он согнул стальную палку. 5. Этот политик много лет борется за мир. 6. Я подвёз его до рынка. 7. Цены поднялись на новый уровень 8. Озеро замёрзло? 9. Он всегда проводит досуг с семьёй. 10. Она передала подруге привет.

Упражнение 12

1. He drove a taxi for thirty years. 2. A wind rose. 3. She wrote a letter to me. 4. He strove to keep his self-control. 5. I lent him $ 20. 6. The computer arose in the twentieth century. 7. He bent towards her and said something. 8. He sent her an email but she didn’t reply. 9. She spent $ 100 on his birthday gift. 10. The water in the puddle froze over.

Упражнение 13

1. She wore a white sweater. 2. The government bound duties. 3. He besought her about mercy. 4. He swore to win the match. 5. He bore the name ‘Richard’. 6. Who taught you to drive? 7. The taxis tore past without stopping. 8. She found the dictionary she was looking for. 9. He wound you around his little finger.

Упражнение 14

1. He has torn a hole in his sweater. 2. The radio has born the latest news. 3. Have they bound themselves by contract? 4. She has taught herself working on a computer. 5. He has found a $ 5 bill in the street. 6. Have you wound threat on a reel? 7. They have sworn loyalty to new President. 8. I have besought her not to divorce from me. 9. These pants have worn thin at the knees.

Упражнение 15

1. Они умоляли его выслушать их. 2. Она научила свою дочь вязать. 3. Он показал под присягой, что его там не было. 4. Я устал: я мотаю пряжу пять часов. 5. Он носит парик десять лет. 6. Он отнёс чемодан вниз. 7. Вы нашли свой ключ? 8. Я потерял пуговицу, она оторвалась. 9. Вы переплели книгу?

Упражнение 16

1. The child bore himself well. 2. She tore his letter into little pieces. 3. He wore a blue suit. 4. They bound the bargain with their signatures. 5. He besought his parents not to punish him. 6. He found the book he needed. 7. He wound his arms round his bride. 8. He swore never to argue with her. 9. I taught history at the university.

Упражнение 17

а) drive — drove — driven, rise — rose — risen, write — wrote — written, lend — lent — lent, spend — spent — spent, beseech — besought — besought

б) strive — strove — striven, freeze — froze — frozen, wind — wound — wound, bind — bound — bound, swear — swore — sworn, arise — arose — arisen

в) bend — bent — bent, bear — bore — born, tear — tore — torn, teach — taught — taught, wear — wear — worn, find — found — found, send — sent — sent

Упражнение 18

1. She came seeking advice. 2. They grew wheat in their farm. 3. He often read by a light of a candle. 4. The wind became stronger. 5. What bred that war? 6. Who blew open a safe? 7. He fed the cow and went to work. 8. They met at the metro. 9. He knew math like a book. 10. Time sped by. 11. Chance led us to Boston.

Упражнение 19

1. Have you fed the baby yet? 2. I have known her for a long time. 3. Why has he grown pale? 4. I have read your book down to the last page. 5. He has met your challenge. 6. He has become deaf. 7. They have blown their chance. 8. They have come a long way. 9. He has led a charge against them. 10. The months have sped along. 11. They have bred him low.

Упражнение 20

1. Вы познакомились с ней? 2. Она выращивает цветы сорок лет. 3. Вы прочитали её новый роман? 4. Она уже пришла? 5. Он разогнал машину. 6. Ты покормил уток? 7. Она стала инженером. 8. Он увлёк солдат личным примером. 9. Как давно он разводит рогатый скот? 10. Она надула шарик. 11. Как давно вы его знаете?

Упражнение 21

1. She grew older. 2. He came to the university by taxi. 3. She knew geography from A to Z. 4. His team has met a defeat. 5. She read English, Spanish and French. 6. The sky became dark. 7. She led a very interesting life. 8. His pulse sped up. 9. Who blew out the candles? 10. That war bred misery and ruin. 11. She fed the cat and dog.

Упражнение 22

1. He dreamt that one day he would buy a big house. 2. They meant to win. 3. I felt that she was a very interesting person. 4. He leant against the door. 5. Fog crept into the valley. 6. They dealt with a difficulty together. 7. The crowd swept into the square. 8. He slept like a dog. 9. They kept me informed. 10. The dolphin leapt out of the water. 11. They left the field. 12. I don’t believe him. He wept crocodile tears.

Упражнение 23

1. They have leant on your advice. 2. He has leapt up from his chair. 3. Carpets are meant to be walked on. 4. He has slept well. 5. The wounded soldier has crept for three hours. 6. He has left the phone off a cook. 7. Have you swept the dead leaves into a pile? 8. He has always dreamt of becoming rich. 9. I can’t stand our parting. I have wept. 10. She has felt that he is lying. 11. The army has dealt with an attack of the enemy. 12. He has kept her out of trouble.

Упражнение 24

1. Ты спрятал ножи от детей? 2. Он почувствовал себя голодным. 3. Я приставил лестницу к стене. 4. Кошка спрыгнула с дерева. 5. Ты оставил чаевые? 6. Как долго полз раненый офицер? 7. Этот подарок предназначен для меня? 8. Мы вам искренне сочувствуем. Мы плакали вместе с вами. 9. Вы плохо спали? 10. Она всегда мечтала о мире на земле. 11. Ты подмёл кухню? 12. Он борется с огнём два часа.

Упражнение 25

1. They dealt in petrol. 2. A hare left footprints in the snow. 3. He kept his dog on a chain. 4. The snake crept without being noticed. 5. She swept the floor. 6. He wept at the news of defeat of their team. 7. Last night he dreamt that he was dancing with her. 8. She felt happy. 9. I slept at my brother’s. 10. He bent towards her and said something. 11. The dog leapt over the fence. 12. I didn’t understand what he meant.

Упражнение 26

а) become — became — become, blow — blew — blown, know — knew — known, feed — fed — fed, deal — dealt — dealt, sweep — swept — swept, creep — crept — crept

б) sleep — slept — slept, leave — left — left, grow — grew — grown, feed — fed — fed, speed — sped — sped, meet — met — met, feel — felt — felt, mean — meant — meant

в) come — came — come, breed — bred — bred, lead — led — led, read — read — read, creep — crept — crept, dream — dreamt — dreamt, keep — kept — kept, lean — leant — leant, weep — wept — wept

Упражнение 27

1. A year ago she spoke English poorly but now she speaks excellently. 2. He stole a glance at her. 3. Who wove that beautiful rug for you? 4. The cup fell on the floor and broke. 5. Finally you woke up to danger. 6. They rode full speed. 7. The water in the puddle froze over. 8. We chose John as captain of our team.

Упражнение 28

1. They have stolen the election. 2. Jane has chosen Steve as her husband. 3. Has the river frozen over yet? 4. Have you ridden a bicycle? 5. We can’t use this car because it is broken. 6. What are you doing? You have woken the baby! 7. I have woven rugs for twenty years. 8. Have you spoken to him about your contract?

Упражнение 29

1. Она соткала скатерть на этот стол. 2. Озеро замёрзло? 3. Почему ты не разбудил меня? 4. Ты выбрал книги для библиотеки? 5. Вы уже поговорили с ней? 6. Кто украл цветы из моего сада? 7. Он разбил дорогую вазу. 8. Он ездит на автобусе двадцать лет.

Упражнение 30

1. He chose a car and bought it. 2. He broke his leg when he played hockey. 3. He stole the money from his neighbor. 4. Yesterday I spoke to my boss about my vacation. 5. Two years ago she wove a carpet. 6. He woke me at 7 o’clock in the morning. 7. He often rode on his brother’s back. 8. The water in the bottle froze over.

Упражнение 31

1. They hung the lights on the Christmas tree. 2. We dug a garden. 3. He slung a knapsack. 4. His shirt stuck to his back. 5. He flung a stone at the attacker. 6. She struck us by her talent. 7. He spun around on his heels. 8. The car swung round the corner. 9. The hail stung his face. 10. She took my hand, and wrung it hard.

Упражнение 32

1. When was this well dug? 2. They have spun a coin. 3. He has always flung his money around. 4. He was stung by their mockings. 5. She has hung this photograph over her bed. 6. He is stuck in a traffic jam. 7. Why have you slung him out of the room? 8. He has always wrung water from a flint. 9. They have struck gold. 10. Your participation has swung an election.

Упражнение 33

1. Вы отжали виноград? 2. Дверь внезапно распахнулась. 3. Его ужалила оса. 4. Вы вырыли канал? 5. Машина застряла в грязи. 6. Лошадь сбросила его. 7. Ты бросал камни в машины? 8. Он повесил картину на стену. 9. Нитки прядутся из хлопка. 10. Их слова поразили его.

Упражнение 34

1. Jeff flung his shirt in the washing machine. 2. He hung his overcoat on the hook. 3. He dug potatoes. 4. The car struck a tree. 5. He wrung the shirt and hang it up to dry. 6. He slung his bag onto the armchair. 7. A bee stung me on the finger. 8. The propeller spun slowly. 9. The car swung round the corner. 10. Who stuck posters without permission?

Упражнение 35

а) strike — struck — struck, stick — stuck — stuck, sling — slung — slung, fling — flung — flung, wake — woke — woken, break — broke — broken

б) wring — wrung — wrung, sting — stung — stung, dig — dug — dug, ride — rode — ridden, choose — chose — chosen, steal — stole — stolen

в) speak — spoke — spoken, weave — wove — woven, wring — wrung — wrung, swing — swung — swung, spin — spun — spun, hang — hung — hung

Упражнение 36

1. She sang a baby to sleep. 2. He burnt his hand on the hot iron. 3. He swam with the tide. 4. They sank their differences. 5. The soldiers dwelt under the canopy. 6. They drank champagne and began to dance. 7. Susy ran to meet her sister. 8. The gift box smelt of perfume. 9. They spoilt their son. 10. Hot water shrank the pullover. 11. He spilt juice all over his new shirt. 12. The prolonged cold weather spelt trouble for the harvest. 13. He learnt a lesson. 14. It began to snow.

Упражнение 37

1. Someone has drunk my milk. 2. He has sung in a choir for ten years. 3. He has burnt the fish. 4. They have sunk the ships in the harbor. 5. The Coke has spilt onto the desk. 6. She has never shrunk back before obstacles. 7. He has run for an hour without any rest. 8. He has always dwelt on the past. 9. You have spelt this word wrong. 10. For the last years in our city offices of foreign firms have begun to appear. 11. She has swum across the river four times. 12. He has smelt trouble. 13. She has learnt how to ride a horse for a month. 14. They have spoilt his fun.

Упражнение 38

1. Она начала изучать русский язык. 2. Он плавает в бассейне два часа. 3. Кошка убежала от собаки. 4. Вы выпили горячий шоколад? 5. Он всегда зацикливался на прошлом. 6. Она спела нам чудесную песню. 7. Это правда, что вы сожгли моё письмо? 8. Он всегда пишет ваше имя с ошибкой. 9. Сливочное масло испортилось. 10. Правда, что корабль затонул? 11. Я учу французский язык пять лет. 12. Я пролил вино на стол. 13. Акула почуяла запах крови. 14. Он никогда не уклонялся от опасности.

Упражнение 39

1. She swam against the tide. 2. The pizza smelt good. 3. Who burnt the old papers? 4. He drank two cups of tea. 5. The tourists dwelt in the forest. 6. Cars sank in price. 7. The bus run on workdays. 8. They learnt from their mistakes. 9. My heart sang for joy. 10. He spelt correctly. 11. The water spilt across the floor. 12. He began to laugh. 13. The pants shrank when they were washed. 14. The bad news spoilt his appetite.

Упражнение 40

1. She gave him her regards. 2. He stood close against the door. 3. They forbade selling beer in the refreshment room. 4. You understood me capitally. 5. Who said so? 6. I forgave him for spending my money. 7. Her boss paid her a bonus. 8. He laid the cartons one on top of the other.

Упражнение 41

1. The hen has laid an egg. 2. Talking in class is forbidden. 3. She has always stood out in a crowd. 4. He is well paid. 5. She has understood the depth of his love for her. 6. The boss has given him a bonus. 7. He has said that he would have read the book by the day after tomorrow. 8. The teacher has forgiven him for being late.

Упражнение 42

1. Почему он поставил сына в угол? 2. Что они на самом деле сказали друг другу? 3. Он дал вам свой адрес? 4. Он постелил ковёр. 5. Они всегда прекрасно понимали друг друга. 6. Он сделал ей комплимент. 7. Она простила его? 8. В кинотеатре запрещено курить?

Упражнение 43

1. The boss forbade any discussion of his decision. 2. She laid the packages on the table. 3. Who paid a bill at the restaurant? 4. He gave her some flowers. 5. Dan stood up to greet his aunt. 6. He said to her, “I am very glad to see you.” 7. She always forgave him. 8. A year ago he understood English poorly.

Упражнение 44

а) begin — began — begun, run — ran — run, sing — sang — sung, swim — swam — swum, dwell — dwelt — dwelt, spell — spelt — spelt, pay — paid — paid

б) forgive — forgave — forgiven, lay — laid — laid, stand — stood — stood, spoil — spoilt — spoilt, smell — smelt — smelt, burn — burnt — burnt, drink — drank — drunk

в) say — said — said, forbid — forbade — forbidden, give — gave — given, understand — understood — understood, learn — learnt — learnt, spill — spilt — spilt, sink — sank — sunk, shrink — shrank — shrunk

Упражнение 45

1. They shook with cold. 2. Yesterday I took my driving test. 3. She bit a piece of pear. 4. I mistook you for the teacher. 5. The children’s faces lit. 6. The door slid open easily. 7. You hid the truth from me. 8. Her books sold like hot cakes. 9. He often thought one thing, and told another.

Упражнение 46

1. I was bitten by an insect. 2. They have hidden from the police. 3. We have lit a fire. 4. Sorry, I have mistaken your meaning. 5. Have you taken the truck to the garage? 6. Is it true that he has sold his house at a loss? 7. Which of you has told a lie? 8. After the drainage of bogs snakes have slid away forever. 9. He has shaken off a bad habit.

Упражнение 47

1. Вы ошибаетесь. 2. Она рассказала нам очень интересную историю. 3. Он выскользнул из комнаты. 4. Она минуту трясёт его, чтобы он проснулся. 5. Они продали свою машину? 6. Его укусила змея. 7. Извините, это место занято. 8. Почему он скрылся от вас? 9. Кто зажёг свечи?

Упражнение 48

1. He took the book off the desk. 2. How many times I told you she was a very talented person. 3. He always bought low and sold high. 4. The dog bit a child. 5. He mistook the time. 6. His son often slid down the banisters. 7. He shook hands with his friend. 8. They lit a bonfire. 9. He hid behind the door.

Упражнение 49

а) hide — hid — hidden, take — took — taken, sell — sold — sold

б) slide — slid — slid, tell — told — told, bite — bit — bitten

в) mistake — mistook — mistaken, light — lit — lit

Упражнение 50

1. Stephen brought me a cup of coffee. 2. She came out from the office and caught a bus. 3. They sought help from him. 4. He thought he would pass his math exam. 5. They bought a new house. 6. The government fought against the economic crisis.

Упражнение 51

1. I have bought a fur coat for my wife. 2. Why have you always thought him of little account? 3. He has brought his friend to lunch. 4. Doctors have fought against this disease for many years. 5. She has sought for sleep for an hour. 6. Sorry, I haven’t caught your name.

Упражнение 52

1. Они опять подрались? 2. Он купил ей цветы. 3. Она всегда дважды думала, перед тем как что-нибудь сделать. 4. Они поймали вора? 5. Она опубликовала новую книгу. 6. Он год искал золото в этом ручье.

Упражнение 53

1. I caught a big fish. 2. The two dogs fought over a slice of meat. 3. He sought for employment in New York. 4. She brought a cake and some cookies. 5. I thought you would invite him to your birthday party. 6. We bought him a watch as a birthday present.

Упражнение 54

а) buy — bought — bought, fight — fought — fought

б) think — thought — thought, bring — brought — brought

в) catch — caught — caught, seek — sought — sought

Упражнение 55

1. Yesterday he got home early. 2. They had a long talk. 3. He abode by the consequences. 4. She made breakfast. 5. They fled from the fire. 6. He heard the baby crying. 7. The sun shone forth. 8. The soldiers shot into the houses. 9. He lost his hair. 10. She held the baby in her arms. 11. We won the war against unemployment. 12. They sat beneath a tree and sang. 13. Who built this house?

Упражнение 56

1. Have you had breakfast yet? 2. He has always fled from the bottle. 3. Have you heard that she has gone to Italy? 4. He has sat himself next to me. 5. Has he abode by the circumstances? 6. She has won his affection. 7. Have you got money for your work? 8. Betty’s eyes have shone with curiosity throughout the conversation. 9. Have you made your bed? 10. He was shot by a sniper. 11. I have held talks with them. 12. Have you lost your car key? 13. Have you built a new university yet?

Упражнение 57

1. Я всегда соблюдаю закон. 2. Он посветил фонарём на дорогу. 3. Вы уже пообедали? 4. Они спаслись бегством. 5. Этот стул сделан из дерева. 6. Вы получили моё письмо? 7. Он застрелил четырёх зайцев. 8. Она снова села в своё кресло. 9. Они организовали музыкальный фестиваль. 10. Он потерял свой паспорт? 11. Мы выиграли приз. 12. Я услышал эту новость по радио. 13. Они построили новую поликлинику.

Упражнение 58

1. He held her hand in his. 2. I made a cake. 3. Who won the world championship on football? 4. We heard her singing. 5. Twenty years ago he had a big house and two cars. 6. They abode by the situation. 7. She lost her purse. 8. The dictator fled the country. 9. She brought us a cake and some candy. 10. His face lit with delight. 11. She shot a new film. 12. She came over and sat beside me. 13. We built a new church thirty years ago.

Упражнение 59

а) abide — abode — abode, get — got — got, hear — heard — heard, lose — lost — lost, build — built — built

б) shine — shone — shone, sit — sat — sat, flee — fled — fled, have — had — had

в) win — won — won, shoot — shot — shot, make — made — made, hold — held — held

Упражнение 60

1. He mowed a lawn. 2. I sewed a patch onto my sleeve. 3. He always swelled the chorus. 4. Today they proved their theory. 5. I showed her how the knitting machine worked. 6. Farmers sowed the fields with oats.

Упражнение 61

1. They have proven to be right. 2. She has shown me how to knit by hand. 3. Have they mown corn? 4. I think that bureaucracy in your country is swollen. 5. They are walking around a meadow sown with daisies. 6. Have you sewn on a button yet?

Упражнение 62

1. Он смотрел на небо, усеянное звёздами. 2. Вы уже сшили платье? 3. Тесты показали, что с вашей машиной всё в порядке. 4. Я показал картину своему однокласснику. 5. Вы состригли траву на даче? 6. Река разлилась из-за таяния снегов.

Упражнение 63

1. My wife sew me a new suit. 2. When they didn’t invite him to their party, he swelled like a turkey cock. 3. I proved him that he was wrong. 4. They mowed a meadow. 5. I sowed sunflower seeds. 6. He showed them how to get to the circus.

Упражнение 64

а) sew — sewed — sewn, swell — swelled — swollen

б) mow — mowed — mown, show — showed — shown

в) prove — proved — proven, sow — sowed — sown

Упражнение 65

1. He ate two apples. 2. Last week I was in St. Petersburg. 3. He fell down the stairs and broke his leg. 4. He did business with them. 5. He drew a map of the city and gave it to me. 6. She beat a record.

Упражнение 66

1. Have they been to Smolensk? 2. Have they done the room? 3. The government has beaten prices. 4. They haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. 5. He has fallen off the wall. 6. He has drawn anelephant.

Упражнение 67

1. Она нарисовала цветок. 2. Кто съел мой торт? 3. Вы были в Кремле? 4. Он выбил ковёр. 5. Они упали в воду. 6. Ты сделал домашнее задание?

Упражнение 68

1. They beat a strong team. 2. Your work did much good. 3. Who drew pictures on the wall? 4. The glass fell on the floor and broke. 5. Yesterday they were at the dacha. 6. She ate breakfast and went to work.

Упражнение 69

1. He forgot to put on his cap. 2. The bird flew away. 3. The cat lay on the chair. 4. They trod the streets of the city looking for a job. 5. He had breakfast and went to work. 6. They saw better days. 7. He threw a grateful look at her.

Упражнение 70

1. Have the guests gone yet? 2. Have you forgotten to lock the door again? 3. They have thrown themselves into the work. 4. The town has lain in ruins for a month. 5. Have you flown across the Atlantic? 6. Sorry, I have trodden on your foot. 7. Have they seen the sights yet?

Упражнение 71

1. Эта книга лежит на прилавке год, но никто не покупает её. 2. Она три раза перелетала через Тихий океан. 3. Он поехал в Санкт-Петербург? 4. Кто бросил камень в мою машину? 5. Она забыла его имя. 6. Вы смотрели её последнюю пьесу? 7. Они протоптали тропинку в лесу.

Упражнение 72

1. He threw his jacket on her shoulders. 2. Yesterday they went to the theater. 3. The dictionary lay on the table. 4. I saw the children playing. 5. He forgot his old friends. 6. She always trod in steps of her teacher. 7. He flew to London last week.

Упражнение 73

а) beat — beat — beaten, do — did — done, eat — ate — eaten, fly — flew — flown

б) go — went — gone, see — saw — seen, tread — trod — trodden, be — was, were — been

в) throw — threw — thrown, lie — lay — lain, forget — forgot — forgotten, fall — fell — fallen, draw — drew — drawn

Упражнение 74

1. He wanted to be a member of this society, so he abode by its rules. 2. Why didn’t you believe me? — Because their defeat was a new one on me. 3. You should be careful what you said. The children were all ears. 4. It was six o’clock, and was time I was about my homework. 5. Why didn’t they help him when he was badly off? 6. She was beside herself when her friend was sick. 7. I felt for you deeply. I thought life was hard on you. 8. Her mother was always after her to enter the university. 9. What did you need most of all? — A new car was high on my list. 10. He was about to go to work when she called. 11. They didn’t have a job, so they were broke. 12. You had to prove it to him, because he was from Missouri. 13. He was back on his feet after a long period of poverty. 14. Everything was OK with them. They would be better off with their new job. 15. I was all in, I needed to relax a little bit.

Упражнение 75

1. Why was he so sad? — His sales were in the red. 2. How was his health? — It’s difficult to answer. He was touch and go. 3. Why did their teacher scold them? — They were to blame for being late. 4. Why was he quarrelling with everybody? — He was out of sorts. 5. She was sick, but then she was up and around. 6. I didn’t like your service. Who was in charge of service? 7. Why did you buy her so many discs? — She was into music. 8. Not being ready for his exam, he was on the anxious seat. 9. Why did you go to the store? — I was out of tea. 10. He borrowed $ 1000 from them because he was pressed for money. 11. Why couldn’t you meet him? — He was up to his ears in work. 12. She decided to exercise in the morning, because she was out of shape. 13. What was wrong with his firm? — It was up against taxes. 14. I suggested to go to work a bit earlier, just to be on the safe side. 15. Where was she? — She was on her way.

Упражнение 76

1. It was up to you to choose the route. 2. Unfortunately they blew it. 3. The doctor bore with his patients. 4. You offended him, so he bore a grudge against you. 5. He defended his family, so he bore the brunt. 6. She bit her tongue to keep from telling him what she really thought. 7. What do you think, his anger has blown over? 8. Why were they so tired? — They bit off more than they could chew. 9. He went out into the cold weather, but beat a retreat. 10. Every time you went to the dentist’s I bit my nails worrying about you. 11. Stop beating around the bush and answer our questions. 12. For three hours he was beating his brains out trying to decide what kind of gift to buy them. 13. They kept beating the air, though the decision was already taken. 14. He has been building his house for five years, and at last he has begun to see daylight. 15. We wondered what they were up to.

Упражнение 77

1. He always was a very good husband — he worked hard and brought home the bacon. 2. She came up with a very good plan. 3. I have come across this dictionary in a little bookstore. 4. After long running they stopped and caught their breath. 5. She always caught me off guard with her unexpected questions. 6. The policeman caught the customer red-handed when he was stealing chocolate. 7. The party was dull until he came and broke the ice with his jokes. 8. Her dream came true when she married John. 9. I hear the TV broke the news. 10. He finally came to his senses and found a job. 11. Finally they caught up with the others. 12. He has come down with tonsillites. 13. Who broke into the store? 14. He was cast down by the bad news. 15. Your pictures caught my eye.

Упражнение 78

1. They have little money, so they have cut down on meat. 2. He always did his best to make her happy. 3. Peter fell in love with Samantha at first sight. 4. Their work was not good, so they did it over. 5. He could lose his job, I felt it in my bones. 6. Last year fruit and vegetables did you good. 7. He lost his job, so they have cut corners this month. 8. She is cut out to be an artist. 9. I didn’t perform an exploit — I have only did my bit. 10. He is unhappy because he has fallen out of love. 11. The boss drew the line for them at $ 70 a day. 12. He was sick, so he fell behind the other runners. 13. Why don’t you want to deal with him? — Because he has always done things behind my back. 14. It is difficult to live without a car, isn’t it? — But what to do? I have done without a car for two years now. 15. Can we believe him? — Yes, he has never eaten his words.

Упражнение 79

1. I have found out his new phone number. 2. He got rid of his old car. 3. She got off the bus at the market. 4. He got mixed up and wrote the wrong address. 5. It is no use being sad. Get a grip on yourself! 6. He got carried away with making merry and failed his math exam. 7. He got away with his crime. 8. They got lost in the desert. 9. He wanted to fight but got cold feet. 10. After all, I don’t want to speak to you. Get off my back! 11. They got on the bus on Baker Street. 12. Why didn’t you want to work with him? — Because he always found faults with everybody. 13. He is so angry! Do you know why he flew off the handle? 14. I hear they have never quarrelled with each other. — Yes, they always got along with each other. 15. They were good friends and they often got together.

Упражнение 80

1. I gave him a piece of my mind about his rudeness. 2. First they promised to help me, but then they went back on their word. 3. You had better enter the university. 4. On vacation they often went out. 5. He gave us a lift to the office. 6. Last Saturday we had a ball at Jim’s house. 7. He gave up drinking. 8. They have a bone to pick with you. Your son broke their vase. 9. He gave us a hand with translation of the text. 10. Last month she went out of her way to knit a very beautiful sweater for her husband. 11. Unfortunately things with him went from bad to worse. 12. Have you talked with them? — Yes. I had a word with them yesterday. 13. He went to pieces when he was told that their team lost. 14. When she knew him better, he grew on her. 15. Your life has always been easy, because you have gone with the flow.

Упражнение 81

1. Please keep me posted about what they do. 2. I broke their glass, but they didn’t hold it against me. 3. I like that he has always hold his own in any situation. 4. They laid their cards on the table and told us about their plans. 5. He had his heart set on marrying her. 6. They laid their lives on the line to become free. 7. I don’t know the first thing about the history of Germany. 8. He knew all the ropes in the market. 9. Patrick had it in him to be a good economist. 10. He hit upon gold in the stream. 11. When you were taking your biology exam, I kept my fingers crossed for you. 12. While he was on a business trip, we kept an eye on his white mice. 13. Unfortunately he has never kept his word. 14. They seldom kept us company. 15. You had pull with your chief.

Упражнение 82

1. He made a living since 10 years old. 2. They let us know when they arrived in Toronto. 3. Someone has left word for her. 4. I lost track of him twenty years ago. 5. We understood that he couldn’t change the past and had better let bygones be bygones. 6. He said that unfortunately he led a dog’s life for two years. 7. How could she believe it? — I suppose that he was leading her on. 8. They didn’t know how to change the situation and I suggested to leave it at that. 9. He made it a point to be at the office the next day by 10 o’clock. 10. She understood that she couldn’t change anything, so finally she let it go. 11. I heard him scolding you. Why has he lost his temper? 12. Sorry to let you down. 13. I looked at him severely, and he let go of my hand immediately. 14. I hear you didn’t like his manners. — Yes, he always let his hair down and I really didn’t like it. 15. They have lost their way because they haven’t taken the map of the town.

Упражнение 83

1. His chief put a damper on his plans. 2. Who made up for the money they spent on it? 3. They made no bones about it — they didn’t like his picture. 4. We made room for new furniture. 5. They had little money and so they hardly made ends meet lately. 6. Why did he always solve problems successfully? — He met people halfway, when possible. 7. She put in a word for them when she spoke to their parents. 8. I will definitely enter the university. I made up my mind. 9. They always made the most of their free time. 10. He made fun of their grammar mistakes in English. 11. They meant well, but they didn’t succeed. 12. I hear he had many friends. — Yes, he made new friends easily. 13. We thought that what they said made sense. 14. I always liked to go to your place. There I made myself at home. 15. They decided not to quarrel and made up.

Упражнение 84

1. They put off the meeting till next week. 2. Who spilt the beans about our plans? 3. They waited for him for three hours and finally he showed up. 4. We thought they didn’t stand a chance of winning the war. 5. He didn’t decide at once and slept on it. 6. Linda set her bag for Jeff, but all in vain. 7. Pete saw about train tickets, and early in the morning we left for Vancouver. 8. Her father put his foot down when she decided to quit the university. 9. Tom and Jane didn’t see eye to eye on sports. He liked hockey and she liked figure skating. 10. He didn’t know what it was, but he smelt a rat. 11. This young scientist showed promise. Everybody thought he would be a great physicist. 12. You put your foot in it when you told her she was sixty years old. 13. She never put up with his mistakes. 14. This book is difficult to understand, but he understood it, because he read between lines. 15. How did you find her? — I didn’t find her. I ran into her when I was walking down the street.

Упражнение 85

1. They played badly, so it stood to reason that they lost the game. 2. This wonderful film took his breath away. 3. They took a break and drank some coffee. 4. He never hurried, he took his time. 5. Parents’ love must always be taken for granted by their children. 6. I promised to finish work by the next day and they took my word for it. 7. She had a gorgeus appearance and always stood out in the crowd. 8. She took care of my cats while I was away. 9. He was easy to be around — he never worried and took it easy. 10. He understood them, because he took into account their situation. 11. I am glad that you took a stand on this problem. 12. She took a dim view of the way he studied French. 13. We took advantage of the low prices and bought a house. 14. He took hold of the rope and pulled. 15. Joe took after his father in appearance, and after his mother in character.

Упражнение 86

1. They took part in basketball competitions. 2. She didn’t think much of his books. 3. He told the twins apart, but I didn’t. 4. She took pains to make her picture perfect. 5. The accident took place on Market Street. 6. Have you taken steps against corruption? 7. Before he said anything he thought over his answer. 8. He went to a circus to take his mind off things. 9. They took the airs, because they felt that they needed some minutes to relax. 10. I just wanted to say the same thing. You took the words right out of my mouth! 11. It took time to fix my car, so I was late. 12. They went to San Francisco by car. They didn’t get tired because they took turns driving. 13. I was exhausted and needed to relax. So I took time off.

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